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Monday, April 30, 2007

More Reassurances from the Creators


Hey everyone,

Although it makes me sad to read such harsh comments, I agree that there's been a lull lately. I'm 100% confident that we have the ability to create a compelling show even though we may not always fire on all six cylinders. Anyway, we hear you loud and clear and we're doing the best we can.

Whether you believe it or not, we are very overextended. Gone are the days when Mesh and I could write/direct/edit every video. Now we're going to meetings, dealing with payroll, building a website, flying to conferences, doing interviews, negotiating deals, and all while trying to produce an entertaining show. Add to that the fact that no one knows how this medium works... and well, you know. Interestingly, a lot of our problems are "process" issues surrounding how we maintain quality when many people are contributing rather than just a couple.

I can say this. We are fixing the problems. The plot will become more interesting. Most importantly, we care massively about this show, the characters and plot, and all of you, and we aren't abandoning you or giving up. On the contrary, because of KateModern and a couple other deals we have been working really hard to finalize we will be able to hire a bigger team. Then we will be able to produce great videos, lots of interactivity, compelling puzzles, and pull off a great show here.

On a personal note, I'm really bummed about the last couple weeks of videos. Our initial plan was really ambitious, probably too ambitious. It involved a lot of videos, interactivity, and puzzles. We had an actor drop out at the last minute and a series of technical snafus. We had to do a ton of last second re-writes and re-edits. That in a addition to a couple other problems destroyed what was supposed to be a very entertaining and interactive couple weeks. Oh well, we learn and move forward.

Anyways, just want you to know that I care. Probably too much. Hope you enjoy where we go with things. Thanks!


reported by
~ QtheC


  1. Thanks for posting that! It is nice to hear some explaination of what's been going on, and very reassuring to know that things will start picking up in pace shortly, especially with all of the tension and all of the questions surrounding the last few weeks of videos.
    Three cheers for the creators!
    Kelly ~/`~

  2. U are on the ball 2nite Q...thanks...

  3. The new Maddy vid drew me into the IRC, and then Immortal1 came in and shared the Creator's latest post. I thought Immortal1 had a pretty good reply on the same thread.


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