Chat Room Breaking News
On Freenode today, two notable events:
An anonymous source revealed
Jeromy logged in. And then logged out again.
And second, a glimpse at an unlikely romance budding? or just beautiful music?
Perky^: i think MM would shit if you started writing me sappy love notes in public
Perky^: hahaha
* QtheC sings "Love is like the best beef Jerky..."
* QtheC warbles "ridin through cow dust with Perky"
Perky^: wow
Perky^: that was...
Perky^: profound
SuperRad3: now I'm hungry :(
SuperRad3: and lovelorn
Perky^: now i'm dusty
SuperRad3: all at once
* QtheC concludes "If only I had bought more beans..."
* QtheC sings sadly "we would have lived, and done cowboy things."
* QtheC bows romantically.
* Perky^ is speechless
Hey, it's a slow night.
~ QtheC