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Monday, May 14, 2007

Who is julia777?

Someone called julia777 has been popping into the LG15 chat and claiming to be Jules.

The members registration date is:

Date Registered: 2007-05-13 20:16:44

She just said that her life has completely changed and it was terrifying. So, she asked for help and the fans told her to watch the vids.

Why would callmejules24 have such a recent registration date? On the other hand she does not seem to have a Revver account either so she has not been conforming to the pattern of normal "canon characters". Has callmejules24 ever been on LG15.com. Has she ever registerd under either of the two account types available and if so, under what screen name? Has she commented? Has she posted? If you know callmejules24 then please speak up!


  1. I registered as "callmejules24" on the comment page just for fun, but I accidentally typed in the wrong e-mail address.

  2. interesting...so its possible that the Creators cannot use it.


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