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Thursday, June 21, 2007

The Eternal Chorus

Dedication is essential to proving your worth to the Hymn of One. You must concentrate your energy toward the melodies of change. As we celebrate the Summer Sun, remember to enjoy this change and to sing the praises of eternal happiness. Have your found your eternal lyrics? If so, the Hymn of One would like you to share your music with us. Those songs deemed worthy will be shared with all of our Brothers and Sisters. Please submit your lyrics of inspiration to the Hymn of One at contact@hymnofone.org. If you feel compelled to sing your lyrics of inspiration in a video, please send a message to http://www.youtube.com/hymnofone so that we may add it to our library of joy." -excerpt from the latest Hymn of One newsletter

this was from flowersonmyhat contrubution. She is also one of the potnetial new girls.

This was from Rekidk, a youtube blogger.

From TheChoseFlock

Who else will lend their voice to the eternal Chorus


  1. Creating and adding music to text vids:


  2. mm, it aint my vid, its from flowersonmyhat

  3. right after i listen to the second video, i hear the actual song on a beer commercial. freakkkkky


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