New field in biology? Connections to Massachusetts? Discovery of RNA interference? How much more evidence do you need?
From Wikipeida
"Mello and Fire received the Nobel Prize for work that began in 1998, when Mello and Fire along with their colleagues (SiQun Xu, Mary Montgomery, Stephen Kostas, Sam Driver) published a paper in the journal Nature detailing how tiny snippets of RNA fool the cell into destroying the gene's messenger RNA (mRNA) before it can produce a protein - effectively shutting specific genes down."
Craig C. Mello
Andrew Z. Fire
For more information on "Better Living thru RNA Interference" please contact [email protected]
Note: If you dont want to end up singing the eternal freak song, we highly recommend that you talk to our resident scientist meepers anonymous intead.
Mabye the crew should head down to Austrailia and talk to meeper anonymous. She seems to understand what the ORDER is really up to.
ReplyDeleteAny yea, just think of the fun emoSarah would have with a Kangaroo!!!!!!!