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Thursday, June 28, 2007

My Mom's A Freak!

Jonas arrived here safely and we've been doing our best to get in touch with Spencer by emailing him at sgilman@neutrogena.com. Sure beats watching my mom hit on Jonas - Yuck! - Taylor Faction: THE RESISTANCE

Dallas Country Community College

From LGPedia:

"This video was posted at 7:11 PM, adding further fuel to the theory that 7-11's Orange Slurpees are part of an Order conspiracy."


  1. can anyone help me?

    for the last 4 vids i haven't been able to comment on lg15.com because it keeps saying i'm not logged in, but i clearly am! and i have logged out and closed the window and re opened it and re-logged in, and it's still not working. i have all these pent up comments backing up! helppp! :/

  2. Lisa,Starlightandpoison,
    If you have firefox keep reading.
    Go to lg15.
    Click on link for more comments.
    Logon again.

    You should now be able to post. Don't ask me why, this is what someone told me to do.

  3. These trolls are unsettling.


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