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Sunday, June 10, 2007


Track the relationships, crushes, and feelings of sexual tension between the characters of the Lonelygirl15 series.


What is your fav relationship? Leave a comment below and let us know what YOU think.


  1. I like emoSarah and Danielbeast...because I have been right about them hooking up since day one (i.e. the lipstick in the back) Classic film writing - boy tries to have relationship with list of unsuitable girls, until he meets a girl he finds really annoying...

  2. I guess we will have to wait for season 2 for emoSarah and Jonas......lol...

  3. I always like B&J, although their relationship is no longer as innocent as it had been previously portrayed.

  4. I like Bree & Jonas.
    Also Jonas's aunt (I can never remember her name) & Beast.

  5. Is this romantic relationships?
    Because I like D&B even though it might not be romantic.


  6. I´ve alwas wanted Bree & Jonas and Sarah & Daniel. Things are going my way right now.... ;)

  7. Daniel and Alex was always my favorite. I still think Alex was given the shaft by Jonas in the epi, "Perfect Day" She was given exactly zero time to defend herself.

    Second best Daniel hookup would be him and Taylor. At this point Taylor is too yound, but as Daniel says, "She's s.m.r.t. I'm going to marry her."


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