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Sunday, June 3, 2007

Voyboy says.....

longlostposter wrote:

I'll add here, Minty, that I think it was strange that Carl was suddenly all blissed out in these last vids. At the party he was out of control with rage for no apparent reason. Perhaps his player piano broke down at the party and he wasn't hearing his hymn for a short time?

In short, I don't think Carl was acting like a member of HoO at the party. He might have been intentionally trying to get rid of the boys to spare them something. Either that, or he has been recently "programmed" as a Hymnite, and hasn't been one all along.

Lurker wrote:

This seems like an interesting theory. It would make sense even. Sonia also seems a little different from how she was at the party. She was more bubbly then, I think. She seemed a little stiff in "Sing With Me." Perhaps both of them are trying to play the role of dedicated Hymnites as they think it would look (I think we all have an idea of what someone deluded into following a group like this would act like).

and Voyboy says:

Yes yes! I noticed that Sonia was different from the first HoO video with Bree. At the seminar she was forced smiles robotic. I actually noticed that Carl was robotic as well. When he would erase something from the board he was really machanical about it. It took longer than it should have.
But back to Sonia, she is for sure different than she was at the party. She appeared to be sweet and as you said bubbly, and now...
Sonia's a zombie

1 comment:

  1. I reckon it the hypnosis.... or the cookies...


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