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Wednesday, July 18, 2007

KateModern: I Like Pigeons (7.18.2007)

Uploaded by bebo.com/AbstractHeart


  1. THe buddha on her night stand, yea i have the same one. It's an incense burner that holds six or seven incense stiks. I <3 it.

  2. Sweet Deacon! She is absolutely adorable!

  3. She is so gorgeous! Damn why don't I have hair like that?

  4. She is indeed gorgeous, and GF, you're right about her hair. Wish I had that hair!

  5. It's nice to have a mellow happy video before the drama crashes in.

  6. Pigeons?????

    Is she trying to tell us she knew Maddison Atkins?

  7. Please god not pigeons, anything put pigeons.

  8. she is very cute, and very likeable, but i wish she would stop bouncing around and just sit still. she was making me freaking dizzy!

  9. Are they going to have these posted on the LG15 site? Or create a new one, or what? I am confused as how it is all going down, Lol. I need to pay more attention.


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