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Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Today on LG15

Today on LG15, as I predicted the gang staked out the Neutrogena car lot.

Jonas: Okay, so after five long hours in the car, we're finally... finally here. I hope we find this guy. I hope we don't spend the whole day in the Neutrogena parking lot, watching people come and go all day and come up with nothing.
Taylor: Jonas?
Jonas: Yeah?
Taylor: If you could be anything in the world, what would you be?
Jonas: Haha okay, do we really have to do this right now?
Taylor: I'm bored already, and you said yourself we could be here all day.
Jonas: Er... well... okay, uh you go first.
Taylor: Okay... I would love to be the research scientist that like, comes up with the cure for cancer.
Jonas: (Earnestly) I think that's really great.

*So Taylor along with triangulation of cell phone calls is into science too? Maybe she and Spencer will get on really well..*

Taylor: Kay, your turn!
Jonas: Ahhh... okay... um. I would... I don't want to do this it sounds ridiculous, I don't want to say it.
Taylor: Tell me? Please?
Jonas: Um, okay, if I could be anything, if I could chose, I'd chose to be normal. You know, just have this normal life with a regular family that just did normal stuff.
Taylor: And Bree?
Jonas: (Emotionally) Yeah... yeah. You know what, you should go ask Daniel, see what he thinks.

(Cuts to Daniel sitting in the trunk of a car.)

Taylor: Hello Daniel.
Daniel: Hello Taylor. You know, sometimes, it's good to feel when your friends need space. But do you see my life right now? Nothing, my life is nothing.

*Here we go again...Beast rant..*

(Camera pans to the right, you can see a man in a blue shirt standing nearby.)

Taylor: You and Sarah found Dr. Gilman's box.
Daniel: Yeah, and the one note we found from that box has now been destroyed.
Sarah: Here we go.
Taylor: Maybe Spencer can help! You know what Daniel, I think you would make an amazing doctor. Dr. Daniel!

(Camera pans to Sarah.)

Taylor: Okay wise guy, your turn.
Sarah: If I could be anything... well I wouldn't be here, answering this stupid question! Turn off the camera.
Jonas: Does anybody know the time?
Sarah: It's been about a minute since the last time you asked.
Jonas: Haha, hehe.
Sarah: Yeah, funny.
Daniel: You think he's eating lunch in his office. I don't know why we didn't think of that before.
Taylor: Guys, we haven't been here that long. Wait, is that him?

(Camera pans to man leaving the Neutrogena building.)

Daniel: Dude. Spencer?

(The camera zooms in revealing that it is Spencer. Everyone races up to him.)

Taylor: Spencer? Mr. Gilman!

(They catch up to him.)

Jonas: Listen man, I'm sorry that we're just swoopin' up on you like this, but we didn't want to post the document...
Sarah: Here it is.
Jonas: It seemed too risky.
Sarah: It's not entirely my fault, but it's wet, I'm just letting you know.

*Who elses fault is it then Sarah?*

Jonas: Sarah, stop. We should have called first, I'm sorry, but we really need to talk to you.
Spencer: Um... okay...
Jonas: Sarah stop.
Spencer: Uh, could you guys just give me...
Jonas: What? (Spencer begins to lead them away.) Where...?

(Cuts to them standing in front of some waste dumpsters.)

Spencer: I get how important this is to you guys, and I truly want to help, but this is a private lot. And you should really get out of here before security sees you and I get in trouble.
Sarah: Are you kidding?
Jonas: Sarah, stop it. Stop it. Please look, we get it. We get it and I'm really sorry. Everybody, we're gonna go.
Sarah: I'm just...
Jonas: Sarah...

*Do Neutrogena hire security from "Hymn of One Homeland Security"? Stay tuned..*


  1. the man in the blue shirt after the beast rant is jonas...

  2. So, why did Daniel not just put the docs online like Spencer asked 2 days before. Why did we have to wait this long for them to screw up yet again when there was a much easier and safer way.

    Makes zero sense to me in terms of a plot.

    Unless they are just stalling for time because Jess has left the show.


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