Clara says...
Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 8:21 pm
Post subject: So this is where I go
I've been away from you all for awhile. I've been avoiding the doc, going to work, and drinking Adam's liquor. You all know that probably.
Exhausted. It was a million degrees today. Seems like it was the first hot day of the summer. Except for yesterday. Yesterday was hot too.
I have these things that I have to edit and upload, but I don't want to . . . so I don't.
I've tried to go to the other forums where you guys organize all this, and it's down . . . or slow. . . . and then down again.
So, I'll post here. Thanks for the invite Marla, and thanks for the videos. It made me cry.
Is it me or has this story hit a lull?