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Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Sluttiness Prevails - soccerstar4ever

We're back in Texas, just wanted to give you an update.

Note: Sarah's new "nice guy" is called Scott. Scott was the character mentioned in the Lonelygirl15 Craigslist posting.


  1. i had to say this b4 watching the end.

    omg! "whatever happened to that guy daniel"?!?!

    so NOW we know what happened to Cassie!!! XD

  2. I hope she keeps vlogging! She seems pretty depressed to me.

  3. Anonymous: why are you talking so stupid? Taylor and Sarah are hurt too by what happened. Ok, didn't liked it too that they only wanted to save Bree for the attention of the guys. But to call them sluts and stuff, that's a little bit too much.

  4. how is it that sleeping with someone on the first date equals being a slut? and of course, the girl is the only one being called names, the guys she goes out and sleeps with aren't even part of the equation because it is implied that guys "naturally" can't help it. please... hasn't feminism taught us anything?

  5. it was better than the last video.
    and it just seems like the two of them are trying to get back to some sort of normalcy... yeah the two of them were helping bre for the wrong reasons entirely... but hey, they were helping. we couldn't have expected them to really be in it, they barely even knew her.

  6. I think the word "slut" has been way over used in this series. I just dont get the point of constantly cutting down emeSarah.

    Maybe it helps LG get views on YouTube

  7. I agree. "Slut" is way overused... I hate everything it implies. It also further serves to separate Sarah from Bree who was so "pure," but maybe that's her goal.

  8. mad shoutouts to old vids, wow. why is she so shiny?

  9. where is spencer?


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