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Saturday, September 22, 2007

More eyewitness reports from KM

Ruth D on Bebo told me;

In summary:

- Met Sophie with the other fans (hi to all!)
- Went into the gallery, saw Michelle Clore's work and Kate's video - so proud of her!
- A news crew was there filming it all.
- Michelle Clore arrived - very scary looking, and wanted to meet Kate. She was also interviewed by the news crew.
- Kate arrived, and Charlie was filming her.
- Kate met Michelle (this is when everything sped up!)
- Dudley arrives, and shouted something about the order and shoots a gun!
- No one was hit with the shot.
- Dudley legged it
- Michelle said something like 'It looks like you saved my life' but as she touched Kate, Kate freaked out! It was really creepy...
-Then all the bodyguards cleared us all out and we were interviewed by the camera crews and said bye to Sophie...

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