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Wednesday, October 17, 2007

It's another Wild Wednesday on BreeFM!

DJ JenniPowell - 4pm - 6pm PDT (7pm - 9pm EST)
FobLife Simulcast (MAY BE CANCELLED) - 6pm PDT (9 om EST)
After Party Simulcast - 7pm (10 pm EST)
DJ Glenn Rubenstein - 8pm - 10pm (11pm - 1am EST)

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  1. ps I don't think FOB is on tonight...but I might be wrong.

  2. cool, I added a note onto the post. I remember that you mentioned it on ur show last night KTS, sorry im totally out of it today lol.

  3. Hey, I wonder is there any sort of podcast/ rebroadcast/ recording available of the breefm shows?

    For those of us in other time zones its not possible without staying awake all night once a week.

    I have worked out how to get the fob post casts which is great. But i would love to hear some of the other stuff. Stayed up to hear Glenn's first show......which was later rebroadcast at a better time, but then didnt seem to be the next week. Would love to get a chance to catch up with this and maybe some of the others if there is a way?

  4. theres a rebroacast of glenns show on Friday, I believe at 12pm PDT on BreeFM


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