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Tuesday, October 30, 2007


With 433,397 views this amazing video from Terryfic is probably the most popular fan video ever. First posted on August 07, 2006 this video has as many views as many of the Lonelygirl15 videos.

I am the very model of a popular YouTube auteur - terryfic


  1. What a nice video.

  2. Off-key singing, almost non-existent pacing...and lots of fun!

  3. ditto what airc said. back in the day some people really thought this video was canon, though it clearly was a parody response video. terry's lyrics and graphics are amazing. i still remember how hard i laughed when i saw the "Jesus - Beatles - Bree" graph.

  4. Boo! What rubbish, that guy can't sing. What is this doing on LG15Today, and Smosh Rocks!!!

    - Terryfic ;)


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