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Sunday, November 11, 2007

ApotheosisDJ 5pm on Bree.FM!

From the blog of Bree.FM Apo writes:

Tonight, my guest will be Elixir from http://www.anchorcove.net! She will be discussing her meeting with Miles Beckett and Tara Rushton in Sydney, Australia. She will also speak about her YouTube videos at http://www.youtube.com/sweetelixir.

Music will be provided by the usual suspects, plus we will be featuring some songs from Deagol The Stoor! A couple of Elixir's favorite Australian musicians will also be in the lineup!

Tune in at 5pm Pacific/8pm Eastern!

Be sure you are also in the chat. It is on freenode, #BreeFM. If you are not in the chat during the show, the chances are good that we are in there talking about you.

I will also be making my singing debut tonight.


1 comment:

  1. excellent show, apo, you outdo yourself every week!

    i think all the guys were swooning over elixir's aussie accent though.


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