Clue from Lee solved!
The clue that Lee left behind on the bottom of a gnome tonight, has been solved!
The solution is:
Location: Waterloo Station (Waterloo is a song from ABBA and the platforms in the clue are referring to a train station)
Time: 1.30pm (the time is thirteen and a half, what means 13.30 or 1.30pm)
Where exactly: Under the four-faced clock (the line: Hands that don't wave, a face that won't laugh refers to the hands and face of a clock. There hangs a large and famous four-faced clock in the middle of the main concourse. Meeting "under the clock at Waterloo" is a traditional rendezvous.)
So if you wanna participate in a live event from KateModern, be at Waterloo Station tomorrow at 1.30pm, under the four-faced clock!