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Saturday, November 3, 2007

The JenniPowell redearth88 code that wasn't / lard2, the horror !

Sometimes something that looks like a code just isn't a code.

With the release of the latest redearth video, Divine Intervention?, I headed over to YouTube to add to the comments, and noticed JenniPowell, and later Virginian9000 were posting mysterious 5 letter codes. Well, normally any sane person would ignore such things, but with Glenn Rubenstein's recent announcement that JenniPowell and MicFranXon would be helping behind the scenes to produce the Redearth series videos, I thought aha! This must be a code. (see previous article, Behind the Scenes: RedEarth88 Announcement).

So, I was happily cutting and pasting Jenni's weird codes (each one comment on YouTube): "26mkd arn32 yenlq sfzw3 f2syr t3y4l sb9hl i9ysu x6bp5 pshux"

Hmmmmm, I thought, what are all those numbers? Some kind of 15over15 puzzle again? Vigenere decoding the beginning with keyword "redearth" result in 26dog ere32 rl...
Doggerel! (almost) I must be onto something! But the rest is nonsense... hmmm... typo?


And then JenniPowell posted this head scratcher:
"lard2 ---must have heard all the food talk... (Weird!) "

And I asked:
"lol, is 'lard2' part of whatever the heck you are posting 5 characters at a time JenniPowell?"

Virginian9000 replied with this:
"That is the spam test youtube requires us to enter.
Brook had the idea of posting those has a 'badge of honor.' lololol. We have been doing it ever since."

and JenniPowell posted:
"Also, 'Lard2' will be the name of the horror screenplay I'm going to write.
Brook had the idea of posting those."

Sigh. No code, just random strings of characters YouTube generates to make sure you are not an automated spam bot posting comments. Doh! I blame Brooklynxman.


  1. always blame Brooklynxman, never fails

  2. Oh my goodness! Hope I didn't cause you too much heartache!

    But then again, you can just blame Brook for that too.


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