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Thursday, November 29, 2007

Missing Girl Found - Sarah (LG15)

Hey guys, I hope you weren't worried. - Sarah


  1. For me, Sarah videos are always a tough call whether I like them or hate them.

    On the one hand it's pretty dumb for Sarah to hang out there and say the Hymn of One aren't so bad after everything that has gone on. So that leads me to hating the video. Yet I think the character of Sarah is supposed to be someone that clueless and so looking to belong that she grabs ahold to anyone. So that leads me to liking it.

    So I end up feeling kinda confused and hoping eventually something good happens and she picks a side.

  2. I liked this video. I'm glad she joined the HoO. I wish I could join it. It really seems like the place one can call home, just like any religion with their hidden agendas.

  3. I like tents. But camping in the desert sounds gritty.

  4. They only run the generator an hour a day? Don't they ned power for whatever medical stuff they are doing? Even if it's just to keep blood samples fresh or soemthing.

  5. Sarah's pic is now the icon for the lg15 account on YouTube.

    Accident or is Sarah going to be the focus of the show from now on... hmmmmm?

  6. Oooh! Sara's getting brainwashed. I like that.

  7. She glamorizes it.

    It makes me want to be there.


    Cute 'do though, Sarah.

  8. Oh sarah has crossed over... goodness me... this could get interesting

    even though she says she thinks it's 'ridiculous'.. she's still there

  9. ok we lost sarah :( ..........thats all :/

  10. I actually like that this is happening. It's consistent with how Sarah's been for a while and I'm glad that they aren't going nowhere with the character development. However, I hope they don't really have her turn traitor.

  11. i like sarah , jonas better not shoot her in a anti-order rampage !


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