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Friday, November 16, 2007



New Intro video on the website. Click the link above to check it out. EVERYTHING IS GOING TO CHANGE.

    From the comments, an anonymous commenter has found this site: http://www.immersedconference.com/

    Looks like this is all connected to a conference.


    1. Didn't she say 90 days from today? But the header says 14 Dec 07 (12/14/07) when it's clicked... *confused*

      It's all very catchy though. I'll be watching to see how this pans out! :D

    2. There's a flash of light on the top right hand side that appears randomly after a prolonged period of time... I've seen it twice...

    3. Interesting to note that the youtube accounts is change021507 - 2/15/07. 90days from today would be 2/14/08. Perhaps something happened a year ago.

      I think the 12/14 is the time of the next update.

      What does everyone else think?

    4. I am definately awaiting this...

    5. I'm curious about the little yellow dots that appear at seemingly random times. Maybe they mean something?

    6. I was googling everthingisgoingtochange and found this link on unfiction:


      This appears to be viral marketing for Immersed Conference 2008
      "Immersed Conference, Danderously PURE, Generation Surge, GS, Atlanta City Church"

      (This may have been brought up already.)

    7. i would like to confirm being my story along with many more, its not related to a church or any church at all!

    8. i would like to confirm being my story along with many more, its not related to a church or any church at all!

    9. i would like to point out, that im the real iris.

      i also would like to point out, yes we have teamed up with a church..and yes it is a ARG/story!


    10. From the website (links appear under the word REMNANT if you hover over them)

      Immersed 2008
      February 15th -17th


      be sure to mention the Immersed Conference when
      making reservations to receive the discount rate

      • The Wingate Inn | click here to proceed to website
      contact Charlene Carter
      phone # 770.892.3006

      • The Hampton Inn | click here to proceed to website
      contact Lisa
      phone # 678.782.4600


      Cost $39.00 before January 15th, includes free t-shirt
      price goes up to $47.00 after Jan. 31st and no free shirt after Jan. 15

      ► Single Registration
      Use Group Registration is registering more than one person.

      ► Group Registration
      For groups of ten or more, youth pastors go free.

      ► Free Youth Pastors Lunch
      Saturday, Feb. 16th Pre-registration required.
      Limited seating, please call 770.964.2138

      Judah Smith
      Jeanne Mayo
      Billy Huffman

      You can also view videos on this site from past promotions for the conference.

      I really think it is a cool idea to create buzz, and the sites are and videos do add mystery.

    11. In the http://www.immersedconference.com/ website, several links appear at the top of the page. One of them, as has already been pointed out, leads to the "speakers" of the Conference. Under "Jeanne Mayo", clicking the link "MORE ABOUT JEANNE" leads to http://www.youthleaderscoach.com/home.asp, a website with rather strong religious (Christian) overtones. Does anybody know if this website is part of the ARG? It seems uncomfortably similar to real Christian fundamentalist websites.

    12. Found this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=33NqHznIfbs

      Looks like a real conference.

    13. this too: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pKwo-y8B2_s

      Its a real conference.

    14. So its not an ARG. Its a christian conference. LOL oh Iris...


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