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Tuesday, November 27, 2007

PINK Webisode 01 - "Let's Get It Started"

From YouTube video description: "This is the premiere episode of "PINK" called "Let's Get It Started". "PINK" is a serialized show. Each episode builds off the other to reveal more info about the story and characters. So it's best to watch them in order! Why is the show called "PINK"? Watch and find out. :)"

From pinktheseries.com :

"Pink" is a serialized dark comedy produced specifically for a web-based audience. Unlike many other "web series" that are actually re-edited TV shows or movies, "Pink" was created as a true short form program.

First webisode premiered Tuesday 9.4.2007, and then a new webisode premieres each Tuesday for the next ten weeks. Average running time will be approximately three-minutes, perfect for watching at work, on your iPod or even a cell phone.

The past few years user-generated "viral" videos on YouTube have reached phenom status, and there are no signs of it slowing. But most experts believe the next phase of "viral" video will be with professionally produced programs.

That's where "Pink" comes into play. Think of it as a live-action graphic novel. A show that could just as easily be seen on HBO, as the Internet.

Hollywood is definitely watching this trend closely too and actually starting to produce a few online shows themselves. But for now most programming is produced by independent production companies, like ours.

Since it's premiere, "Pink" has already been featured on FresHDV, The Daily Reel, Revver (as the "Video of the Day"), Viral Propaganda, and iTunes as a "New Release".
A behind the scenes look at "Pink" from veoh.com :

From QtheC: "Pink" is an online serial starring Natalie Raitano, who played Nikki Franco on the campy TV show "VIP" with Pamela Anderson. There are ten webisodes in season 1 online now at pinktheseries.com, and season 2 will begin in early 2008.

This blog is primarily about the breeniverse, so this isn't a series we would cover in any detail here, but I thought it might be worth occasionally pointing out other online shows, and discussing the overall production trends - Hollywood vs. rote Amateur, etc. What do you think of this one? (I thought episode 4, where the young version of the lead actress wants a doll dressed in pink but her dad gives her a bowie knife instead was pretty funny. Episode 8, "the date" was the worst one in my opinion.)


  1. hahaha that looks really good

  2. that was the most fake blood ever...

  3. I like Veoh because it downloads the videos. I love iTunes but I overloaded it with podcast downloads in the early days. I did the same with RSS feed readers.....and the same is beginning to happen with YouTube and eventually it will happen to my Veoh as well.


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