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Saturday, November 10, 2007

Quarterlife.com is NOW LIVE!!!

received by e-mail:

"Dear quarterlife almost-user:

Thanks for your interest in quarterlife.com. We’re proud to announce the site has launched and is ready for exploration!

Please come visit the site. Set up a profile. Upload your creative work to your portfolio, an elegant, exportable flash-based widget, where you can upload your videos, pictures, sketches, poetry and scripts – and more – and take them with you…to Myspace and beyond!

As you know, the series is launching on Sunday on MySpace and Monday on quarterlife.com. We hope you will come to quarterlife.com to watch the show – and join our site of creative people.

Our vision for quarterlife.com is to create a robust artistic community, where portfolios are filled with rich media, and users are inspired to share their work with the community. We want the site to be a creative place where artists are recognized for their work, and those aspiring to improve their craft can connect to like-minded people. We have many dreams for quarterlife.com – this is only the beginning. Please help us make this vision real.

Thank you for supporting quarterlife!


Your quarterlifers:

Marshall Herskovitz, Ed Zwick, Melanie Hall and Josh Gummersall"
'Quarterlife' May Make Leap to TV
"NBC interested in online series if strike drags on"

The Future of TV Hits MySpace Sunday
"it was produced by Emmy Award-winners Ed Zwick and Marshall Herskovitz, better known as the dudes behind "thirtysomething" and "My So-Called Life."

"A week later, that "Quarterlife" webisode will be available on YouTube, Facebook, Bebo, and iMeem."


  1. For anyone that decides to join this new community... my SN is wonderandflaw...
    you can also find modelmotion there as, what else... modelmotion.
    (hopefulsemblance was one letter too long... grrrrr)

  2. If you guys want to find me on there I am of course Bubblekiller13. I have been waiting for this!!!


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