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Sunday, November 11, 2007


In the next few hours the first video in the Quarterlife series should be released.

Quarterlife on MySpace

Quarterlife on YouTube

From what we can gather all we are going to get today is "Part 2" below.

Behind The Scenes - Bitsie Tulloch - quarterlife
Bitsie Tulloch on what it's like to play Dylan Krieger.

Part 1 (previous)
Check out this video: quarterlife Part 1

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Dylan begins blogging about her life, unbeknownst to her friends or co-workers.

Part 2 (previous)
quarterlife Part 2

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Dylan's friends get angry when they find out that she has been blogging about them. Danny and Debra struggle with the question of where their relationship should go.

Elizabeth Tulloch (known professionally as Bitsie Tulloch) is the actress that plays Alex, Jonas's aunt.

Though American, she grew up in Spain, Uruguay, and Argentina. She graduated from Harvard University. She recently filmed the lead role in Ed Zwick and Marshall Herskovitz's pilot, Quarterlife.

Bitsie's television credits include Cold Case and The West Wing. She had roles in the movies Sent, Life is Short, and Two Doors. Bitsie was also featured in the George Lucas-produced mockumentary R2-D2: Beneath the Dome as R2-D2's "girlfriend".

She is currently filming Lakeview Terrace, directed by Neil LaBute and starring Samuel L. Jackson, Kerry Washington, and Patrick Wilson. She is also filming Vacuuming the Cat, a film with Barbara Hershey. She currently has a movie called Tyranny in production.

Bitsie Tulloch on LGPedia

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  1. Erm, dunno if you guys have seen this already, but MyspaceTV has parts 1 and 2 already available here:

  2. I think thats old. The first is supposed to be released today.


    ~hopefulsemblance... quarterlife ID- wonderandflaw

  4. She looks a lot better without all the makeup she had on LG15.

  5. R u talking Bebo, MySpace or Facebook....lol....i will have to look see.....


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