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Friday, November 16, 2007

Thank You Creators!

We want to thank the Creators for their character/fan interaction as of late. It was cool to see Danielbeast give some much due props to Paul and Andrea (PaulMark18) we are delighted to see you are pursuing a higher level of fan involvement. For those of you who enjoyed the Gutter Grillz video, an anonymous source deep within the Order have given us a 'tiny' clue on how to enjoy the awesome Nelly Vs Jane Does Vs Glenn Rubenstein - Grillz Junkie Redearth remix music track. Enjoy the weekend with some "yuzmlt".


  1. some Tiny people may have problems Utalizing the clue given to Replenish there U-pod with this great song.

  2. It's much better than Marmite.....thats for sure.


  3. I hear that it is very popular in Lilliput.

  4. correction, not U-Pods, L-Pods

    silly me


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