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Thursday, December 13, 2007

The Coalition's new website.

Check out The Coalition's new website: http://www.thecoalition.tv

The Coalition is made up of the Worldfiles, ZorinXL, Facility J, and Will-o-Wisp series'. You can find them in the lg15 forums here as part of the Red Territory.

immo1 said...
A new day has dawned. Today we can finally bury the term UGC! After all when you become the content provider you are no longer the user. It’s amazing that a few motivated “fans” have pulled off what lg15 has promised for almost a year now. With bebo open media and sites like theCoalition web serials and ARGs can stand side by side with lg15 and not in their shadow. You may be wondering, is this the future? Do I have to watch all these series from their own sites? To that I say the other shoe has yet to drop. This is just the beginning….

the coalition said...
Thanks Virginian and Immo! Thanks to everyone for your continued and growing support and thanks to LG15 for graciously hosting our discussions.

We encourage everyone to participate, create profiles, join the story and post your videos. http://www.theCoaltion.tv is truly meant to be an interactive universe. While you're at it, check out our new Bebo Open Media channel http://www.bebo.com/thecoalition-tv and look for new Open Media channels for all of your favorite Coalition series'. After all... "The universe is wider than our views of it."

Best Regards,

qthec said...
Immortal1 wrote: "It’s amazing that a few motivated “fans” have pulled off what lg15 has promised for almost a year now."

Can you explain what you mean? Are you talking about the features on their website, or on the rules for adding content by others or ???

immo1 said...
qthec asked: "Can you explain what you mean? Are you talking about the features on their website, or on the rules for adding content by others or ???"

I'd say all of the above. Have you registered yet? Take how each series/ARG is presented for example, you have all your background info right there!

anonymous said...
the other shoe will be the lack of traffic. shows based on their own websites aren't doing very well.

but i wish these guys all the luck, because they deserve success.

immo1 said...
Normally I would agree with you anonymous when it comes to individual sites it's basic supply and demand and demand won't be there for every web serial or ARG to have their own website. This isn't a site for an individual series though. In addition I think hub and/or portal sites will be successful. Television Without Pity is the hub to discuss TV, maybe hulu becomes the hub to watch TV on the web. Unfiction is the hub to discuss ARGs maybe theCoalition becomes the hub to play ARGs. Stranger things have happened...


  1. A new day has dawned. Today we can finally bury the term UGC! After all when you become the content provider you are no longer the user. It’s amazing that a few motivated “fans” have pulled off what lg15 has promised for almost a year now. With bebo open media and sites like theCoalition web serials and ARGs can stand side by side with lg15 and not in their shadow. You may be wondering, is this the future? Do I have to watch all these series from their own sites? To that I say the other shoe has yet to drop. This is just the beginning….

  2. Thanks Virginian and Immo! Thanks to everyone for your continued and growing support and thanks to LG15 for graciously hosting our discussions.

    We encourage everyone to participate, create profiles, join the story and post your videos. http://www.theCoaltion.tv is truly meant to be an interactive universe. While you're at it, check out our new Bebo Open Media channel http://www.bebo.com/thecoalition-tv and look for new Open Media channels for all of your favorite Coalition series'. After all... "The universe is wider than our views of it."

    Best Regards,

  3. Immortal1 wrote: "It’s amazing that a few motivated “fans” have pulled off what lg15 has promised for almost a year now."

    Can you explain what you mean? Are you talking about the features on their website, or on the rules for adding content by others or ???

  4. What is an Open Media Channel? How does that work? Do I need a bebo ID to participate?

  5. qthec asked: "Can you explain what you mean? Are you talking about the features on their website, or on the rules for adding content by others or ???"

    I'd say all of the above. Have you registered yet? Take how each series/ARG is presented for example, you have all your background info right there!

  6. the other shoe will be the lack of traffic. shows based on their own websites aren't doing very well.

    but i wish these guys all the luck, because they deserve success.

  7. I like the site, mabye finally i can start to catch back up on worldfiles =D

  8. Normally I would agree with you anonymous when it comes to individual sites it's basic supply and demand and demand won't be there for every web serial or ARG to have their own website. This isn't a site for an individual series though. In addition I think hub and/or portal sites will be successful. Television Without Pity is the hub to discuss TV, maybe hulu becomes the hub to watch TV on the web. Unfiction is the hub to discuss ARGs maybe theCoalition becomes the hub to play ARGs. Stranger things have happened...

  9. I don't mind registering for the site, but that requirement is likely to reduce viewership. Is that really necessary to allow viewing of the primary content?

    You may want to empower the lurkers a bit more to grow your audience. Maybe require a login for adding comments or content?

  10. Agreed QtheC. Having to register an account simply to view the videos will put a lot of people off.
    Other than that I think this is a fine idea.
    Viva La Coalition!

  11. Not sure what you guys mean, QtheC and anonymous - I checked out the site this morning and I can watch all the videos and chat - without registering.

  12. Me too. I could see all the videos and the blog without registering at all. Maybe there is more content or something if you register.

  13. Looks like you can do most everything without registering.

    If you want to submit your own videos, you have to register. I'm not really sure what else you have to register for.

  14. Going to register . . . I'll be back to let you know . . .

  15. Ok, I am now officially registered. I have a profile, where I just uploaded a profile pic, and can write a description of myself. It seems I can blog (although I haven't tried it) and connect with friends. I can also send messages to other registered users. Seems to me like this is going to make it much easier to follow all the coalition stories - especially now that they are weaving more closely together. I'm excited about this. I was getting discouraged with how hard it was getting to make sense of it all. I think this is going to be much easier.

  16. Lurking unregistered on the site, this result appears: "You are not authorised to view this resource.
    You need to login."
    when clicking on any of the rectangular icons for the four main story lines, or on "Worldfiles Trailhead" or "ZorinXL Trailhead."

    The "Videos" link seems to give a list of all videos for all the stories merged into a single list, but there are links from there to the smaller categories. "Worldfiles" has just one video, and when I click on "Londonfiles" from there, I get a bunch of error messages similar to this:

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/content/h/i/r/hiretheboss/html/includes/frontend.php on line 94

  17. I click on "Videos" and a video comes up titled "creatio ex nihilo" with the description below it. There's no indication of who created the video or which story it belongs to.

    From there under "Top" I click "Allies and Adversaries." Same problem, the video that shows up has a title "division of power beta" and description "thyme" but no way to know which story it belongs to or who created it.

    The Allies and Adversaries listed at the top here include deagol, heyaja, Infrastruck, phipunk, Trainer101, Ziola. But when I click "Allies and Adversaries" over on the left side, I get a list of 22 that Ziola and Infrastruck, and phipunk, but is missing deagol, heyaja, and Trainer101.

    There are mysterious links next to incorrect "Jump to: 1/1" (on heyaja) lists of 2 videos). It looks like a piece of paper with an arrow, but when you click on it, a little wait icon spins for a second and nothing happens.

    If a list has 1 video, it says Jump to: 1/0

  18. Update: Trailhead links are working now, yay!

  19. Thank you Q! It's important you all report to us all the bugs. We're making improvements as we go. Thanks again.

  20. Thanks for the feedback. If you come across any more bugs, let us know. We'll get them ironed out right away!

  21. Okay, the "Londonfiles" are now appearing, and the box at the bottom says Jump to: 1/3, so it must be a page, not a video number.

    I can change the number and click on the mysterious page with an arrow icon and go to that page. That seems to work.

    The paging arrows at the top of the list of videos on each page gave me the "you are not logged in error" but are suddenly working, so maybe permissions are being changed as I type this?

    I should hold off play testing for awhile, I think. ;)

  22. From "Worldfiles" trailhead, clicking on character names takes me to "You need to log in."

    The "More Information" links on worldfiles trailhead are working.

  23. FacilityJ Trailhead, the character links and also the "Watch FacilityJ Videos" (mispelled) take me to "You are not logged in"

  24. Adjustments are being made as you bring them to our attention, so feel free to play around on the site.

    Also want to add... if there are any features that you, the users, would like to see, please let us know. theCoalition.tv is your site, we are just the humble hosts. :-)

  25. Will O Wisp trailhead character links go to "You are not logged in." The "More Information" links work.

  26. I think the issue on the characters is that you need to be logged in to view user profiles... is there a way to view basic description info only, but not full profile info when not logged in?

  27. LOL QtheC, the first taste is free-for the rest you have to log in! I would say that anything that would lead to interaction requires a log in and that makes sense.

  28. oops!

    Signed your pal,

  29. I see additional info is showing up below each video now. There are seven red "X" icons, so not sure what that is yet, links to digg etc. I think.

    Perhaps each video should have a link to the trailhead for that video? (as well as the tags and the creator links)

    Can regular users create their own trailheads or the equivalent to introduce their story?

  30. I'm looking at "Top - The Coalition - FacilityJ " and paging through the video lists with the arrows at the top... while I do this the main video that appears after each click is something random, sometimes from this list, sometimes from somewhere else entirely.

    The main video that appears when you first go to the "FacilityJ" video page does not have the extra info at the bottom that you get when you click on one of the videos in the list at the right.

    The link to the FacilityJ videos list from the FacilityJ trailhead does not work, but you can get there by surfing from Videos.

  31. I like the full page video view and the ability to pause with the red circle T thing on the video - very cool. How about single frame stepping forward and backwards?

  32. I want a button I can click and get a hot mocha java.

  33. During registration, the link to "Terms and Conditions" gives the "You are not authorized ... you are not logged in" error. lol

  34. I tried registering as QtheC twice and including trying to log in and it keeps saying it has sent me an email, but none has arrived.

  35. I tried registering again as QtheC2 in case I had a typo in my email address the first time, but still no confirmation email has arrived.

  36. I wish I could articulate my thoughts as well as QtheC and poinpoint what is wrong, but I can't. The site is just hard to navigate for me. Its hard to find things.

    I wish I could fire off 5 things to change, but I can't. I can only tell you its hard to navigate. Not much help, I know.

  37. Q- check your spam folder. I have gmail and that's where I found theCoalition email.

  38. oh, 7 confirmation mails just arrived in my in box!

  39. I made my own hot mocha chocolate, so you can check that one off the list.

  40. PM's are kind of crazy. To send one, I can't do it from my profile page... I have to find the profile page for the destination user and click PM from there. When I send a PM to some users (Immortal1, MarlaSinger) it uses the plain text box. When I send to others (Modelmotion), it pops up the WYSIWYG text entry box. The latter has a check box to copy myself on the message, but the former does not.

    It's not obvious how to add "connections" but I guess it will happen when I add comments or something. Sending PMs did not do it.

  41. I'm looking at modelmotion's profile, and I click on "My Videos" and it says "There is no established connection between you and modelmotion" which is weird.

    I'm looking at modelmotion's profile and I click on "Manage -> Connections -> Add Connection" and a box pops up that says "false."
    No connection was added.

  42. just for fun, I tried "Moderation -> Report User" on modelmotion's profile and reported that "this user has a yellow image with green letters." It seemed to work.

  43. I agree QtheC there are a lot of features that are new concepts or at least new spins on existing concepts and a not a whole lot of "how to." It definitely could use a wiki where users can document how these features are used as they discover them.

  44. Oh, nice, now that I'm logged in there is a "download" button under the video.

  45. The video titles are hard to read on the "All Videos" list because the light colored font (peach) is on a white background.

  46. There's an italic message on the lower right of viewing videos called "Click here to diccuss the video" (mispelling).

    I uploaded a video from YouTube, with category "Top" - There was no "Allies and Adversaries - QtheC" option in the drop down list. Maybe I should have selected plain "Allies and Adversaries" ?

    When I click on the "My Videos" button from the video view, it says "You are not authorised to view this resource."

    When I go to my profile page "QtheC" and click on the "My Videos" tab, I see the viceo, but I don't see any way to change it's category, description, etc. Is there a way to update these for my own videos? What if I want to delete a video?

    I still don't have any connections or any idea how to get any.

  47. Q-
    I haven't played to much with the social network aspect but if you click on another person's profile and then click manage you'll see add connection.


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