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Wednesday, December 5, 2007

H is for ??? - Youwish (Unsolved Puzzle!!)

Youwish created a puzzle video, see the Forum thread here : http://lg15.com/lonelygirl15/forum/viewtopic.php?f=114&t=15202

H is for ???

Deagol decoded the musical notation.

From Youwish:

This puzzle was a guitar riff made from a hex code.

now using the clues in the puzzle this becomes

4F 62 65 62 38

which is hex for obeb8

obeb8 is a youtube account


This lead to the next puzzle, a video called Untitled.


Okay this was a video i took of me playing counter strike with some music in the back, this had no relevance.
During the video small white flashes appeared with numbers and letters put together with one of the tags of the video these made a BASE64 code.

The code was: aHR0cDovL3jhcGlkc2hhcmUuY29tL2ZpbGVzLzc0MzUwNTc3L011c2 ljX01hc2h1cC5tcDM=

which leads to http://rapidshare.com/files/74350577/Music_Mashup.mp3

11 Minute long music-mashup of various songs.

so far identified by deagol and greg gallows are:

1. Warsaw - Joy Division
2. Wanted Man - Johhny Cash
3. ??? (slow drum beat / guitar lick)
4. Yesterdays (Jerome Kern) - Billie Holiday
5. One Love - Bob Marley
6. ??? (sounds like the cure but then i hear a female voice "ooh ooaah" behind clapton)
7. Tears In Heaven - Eric Clapton
8. U-Mass - The Pixies
9. ??? (lyrics "eeeoooo! ... new york city ... explosion")
10. Everyday - Buddy Holly
11. ??? (lyrics "you've been here before")
12. ??? (horrible non-singing lyrics "...i don't care there's no place there, i don't think it matters")
13. ??? (nice song but can't understand the lyrics)
14. ??? (another horrible guy coughing and "singing" "i miss jennifer jones" ... "i was killing everybody")
15. ??? (lyrics "it ain't hard to stumble and land in some muddy lagoon ... 3 o'clock in the afternoon")
16. ??? (lyrics "my house down and you're mad at my reaction.. human relation... making sense of it all")
17. Mess Around - Ray Charles

Everyone is MORE than welcome to join in.

We need your help to identify the missing songs! PLUS ... It's a really cool music track, so even if you don't feel like codecracking it will make for a good tune to jam to :)


  1. its a shit music track =p took me very little time to make it, its all messy haha just made of some great songs

  2. updated with a link to the forum thread


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