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Monday, December 17, 2007

KateModern Christmas Message

Watch More Videos Uploaded by www.bebo.com/KateModernProduction


  1. I LOVE when they do the behind the scenes stuff with Kate Modern...
    LOVE IT!

  2. Alexandra Weaver (Kate) is not even in the behind-the-scenes video. I wonder if she has moved on to other projects, and whether she will show up again later as a significant character in the "Kate Modern" story?

  3. Haha, that was wicked. Brilliant to see how the cast interact with eachother when not in-character.

    I wonder if Kate has done a runner then.

  4. yay Jai is boring like me! my first thought was an Ipod too!

    and I think it's totally adorable that the guy who plays Creepy Steve (yeah, I should look up his name) is all quiet in the background :-)


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