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Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Maya too.


It's a tough decision.

I, Maya, am part of the community - but so is Marla. Until recently I haven't had a reason to separate those two. But as the past few weeks have rolled by, it's becoming clear to me that I have to distinguish between Marla and Maya: between fiction and reality - and between what is in Maddison's world and what is not.

I'm not sure if what is going on has happened before - that is, a fan of the show becoming a character - and the transition is rough. Confusing to say the least.

So. I'm joining Jeromy behind the wall.

Click the link to read the rest of the post.


  1. Nooooooooooooooo!

    *waves fist* damn you curtain!

    You can take Jeromy, but not Maya!!!

  2. This seems to be a situation where you can separate Marla the character from Maya the actress. However this means you need separate myspace etc for each and they need to act as separate individuals. From that respect the extended personality of an Adam Lamar character is easier to maintain.

  3. No offense, but I always found the line between IG and OOG in RE88 to be a pretty confusing. Maybe this will do it some good.

  4. Not really into RE88 or ARGs. But is this really that hard of a concept? You have actors then you have the characters they play. It's only complicated if you make it complicated.


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