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Monday, December 3, 2007

Police Unhappy with powdered Hershey's Ice Breakers Candy

On the news tonight, they aired a story showing the police saying that Hershey's new Ice Breaker's "Pacs" (powdered candy in colored plastic wrappers) looks just like Cocaine - so they will have to waste resources testing the stuff when they find it.

I didn't have to look very hard for the link to this product, because it was already here on LG15 Today under the Lonelygirl15 "Sponsors" list on the right hand side... http://www.hersheys.com/icebreakers/pacs/ (This new powdered product did not exist when Lonelygirl15 featured the Ice Breakers gum in one of their videos.)

Here is an online version of the story on MSNBC.com : Police Say New Hershey's Candy Resembles Drugs



  1. Whoa!

    Now that was funny. And just think of poor homeland security.

  2. Going to the store right meow.

  3. funny story!

    in other news, sugar is now banned for similar problems.


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