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Saturday, December 15, 2007

Recording of Jonas Phone call available

The recording of the phone call that Jonas had with fans Thursday night is now available. Please click here and download the mp3 recording of the call.

Jonas held a phone call Thursday night and answered question from fans.

ED: In another fan blog article, "Chattin' it up with Jonas," Hopefulsemblance writes:

"So I was one of the people chosen to talk to Jonas on the phone.

First off, I'd like to give mad props to the C's for pulling that off.
Second, I'd like to thank them for choosing me as one of, what is now being called in the forums, The Twelve. Means alot to me, really.
Third, I have to give Broken Kid mad props for moderating that. I personally would have blown a total aneurysm.
Fourth, Jackson gets insane hella props and I'll tell you why in a few.

Ok so now that this is all over I can explain what the hell happened... "

You can read the full article by following the link to the article on Hopefulsemblance's blog, Ramblings from a Lonelygirl15 Fanatic : Chattin' it up with Jonas. Hopefulsemblance also adds:

"The one thing I didn't add was that we received access codes that differed from the rest of the community, so that we could talk on the line and we called in about 5-10 minutes before BK sent out the announcement and were talking to Jonas in-game a bit before just to get us relaxed."


  1. I thought everyone hated being called fans when "In Game" and preferred the term friends.

  2. Is it just me or was that an attempt by the creators to get ideas from the people who called in because they can't come up with any on their own.

  3. Can someone report on how the call was arranged, how questions were collected, how well it went, etc.?

    Just thought some background on the call and response to it might be of general interest.


  4. Here ya go Q... any other questions feel free to ask...


    The one thing I didn't add was that we received access codes that differed from the rest of the community, so that we could talk on the line and we called in about 5-10 minutes before BK sent out the announcement and were talking to Jonas in-game a bit before just to get us relaxed.

  5. Anonymous...
    Yes its just you and your tiny little pea brain with nothing better to do than to see the negative in this. Go elsewhere please.

    Some of us are having fun.

  6. Thanks for the link, hopefulsemblance.

    I listened to the recording (thanks for providing that BK) and thought "Jonas" did a pretty good job of fielding questions while staying in-character ... and so did those calling in. I hope there will be more of these kinds of events in the future.

  7. Virgil calls in! dun dun duuuunnnnnnn

  8. Wonderful job by Jackson, IMO! It's hard to stay in-character, knowing everything you're supposed to, during a live phone call, but he handled it well! Also, yay to the Creators for more player-interaction. Very ARGy; I'm secretly cheering for Jan Libby because I imagine she had some say in this.

  9. So who's kid kept interrupting Jonas? I liked that part the best, but that could just be my weird sense of humor.


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