Red Monday Radio Drama Launches
"Red Monday is a weekly Internet radio drama telling the story of a nuclear weapon detonating in Las Angeles."
"The show isn’t free. You get the first episode for free. But, you can buy the entire series, set to end on December 24th, I believe, for only $4.99 USD. I think even THIS is excellent. Someone showing that they feel their content is valuable enough to charge a subscription."
"One Disclaimer... If this turns out to be NOT an independent production, like if this turns out to be a black man lonelygirl15 project, I will hunt J. Marcus Xavier down and cut his ear cord. Because I’m sold that this is an independent production by a really talented individual (and/or maybe some friends). If this is Hollywood being tricky, I will say really mean things."
There was actually an ARG run as a promotion for the Red Monday audio drama.