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Tuesday, December 11, 2007


A lot of votes seem to have been eliminated from the final vote count. Lee was leading by a wide margin an hour ago but here is the official vote count released shortly after:
posted by Sophie S:

KateModern is pleased to announce the winner of our Character Contest. The final votes* for each of the four characters are as follows:

Terrence - 203
Lee - 702
Sophie – 744
Julia – 1139

Congratulations to Julia (played by Lucinda Rhodes Flaherty) and we look forward to her joining the other regular characters next season!

* A valid vote can ONLY be cast from a valid Bebo user profile.

For information on Bebo’s Terms of Service, please go to http://www.bebo.com/TermsOfUse.jsp

posted by Sophie S

The final vote count before the "hanging chads issue" was:

Lee: 1510
Terrence 315
Julia 1365
Sophie 759



  1. damn the order torpedoed LEE!

    but there was NO WAY julia was going to lose among "legitimate" (read horny male) votes.

  2. I think the 436 has been up to its tricks again!

    Let's get Joe to do a recount:)

  3. This sucks, especially since I voted for Lee.

  4. I say that we send the issue to the Supreme Court.........or I guess it would be the House of Lords since it is in London.

  5. Oh, come on! This is such a set up; the KM producers had obviously planned for Julia to be the character, and the moment it looked like she was to be outvoted, BAM. Pathetic.

  6. I hope Lucinda messes with them and leaves, seriously.

    From Above (her band) have had interest in America. If she goes over there with them, that's bye bye Lucinda, and they've shot themselves in the foot.

    Julia is DULL, DULL, DULL. All she does is strop. Kick her out.

  7. I think you will need to define "strop" for the U.S.A. audience, Jenna.

  8. I'm glad Julia won. I like her better than any of the other ones.

    Also, Lee came on strong at the very end, and was trailing both girls half way through. So, I don't doubt that the numbers were false. Lee does not have that many fans that all of a sudden woke up in the final days of the contest. I don't doubt there were issues with voting. All internet polls are suspect that way. Apparently, they had a way to track the correct votes.

  9. Julia is so boring! She is my least favorite character out of both the Lg15 series.

    They should have had the poll closed to bebo-only users if they were going to go the "legit" route.
    And if bebo doesn't have that feature, then they should have asked them to make one. KateModern practically runs bebo anyway.

    Lee or Sophie should be full timers.


  10. I do think we need a more transparent voting system..........V9000's point is totally valid, but for all we know it was a "fix". Bebo is supposed to be a tech leader......they could at least show an accurate record as the poll goes on.

  11. Three days back and now we hear someone stole Lee's votes and threw them into the Thames.

    What can I say? It's good to be back . . . :)

    On Topic: Pretty dissapointed though, I voted for Lee myself . . . he definitely took over the comedy role when Gavin totally lost it . . . .

  12. I really, really really disliked Lee early on but his character really developed and at the end he was becoming quite interesting.

    I also thought Terrence made a pretty good "London thug". He seemed to naturally fit the character.

  13. As long as they don't kill off Lee completely, I'll be happy. Something about Sophie coming out above Lee seems suspect, especially since she posted it the counts. Hmmm....

  14. Did I not say Florida was going to screw things up. It is in league with 436.

  15. I think the illuminati must have their HQ in FL and there is a hidden portal into the 436......

  16. "* A valid vote can ONLY be cast from a valid Bebo user profile" seems to suggest that someone used multiple doppleganger accounts to me... I dunno. I voted for Julia, but I guess Lee wouldn't have been too bad either...


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