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Saturday, February 17, 2007

Just a few things we've learned today

As the day progressed people figured out the chat on the lg15 site was up and running again in which case it became quickly filled. among the addicts miles one of the creators was in the room as well after he fixed a few bugs he actually began to chat with us! here's a few things we learned.

1. miles wants a dog.
2. He still loves his scrubs
3. Mile's father was a big money creator to the LG15 series, he also played a deacon in the human ransom video! ( As most people have called him the "ZZ Top " look alike.)
4. he won't tell us if the deacons are cannon or not along with a few other people.
5. He likes tachyon and thinks she is a cool character =D
6. He said meep.
7. The lg15 show will continue though the role of "Bree" won't always be there and her story will end the show will branch off into other shows so don't worry addicts! you'll still have something to watch even after bree is gone =D
8.He likes 80's rock
8. He said " Nikki is nikki" concerning nikki b

Tis all i could remember and think of ... hope you all like the newest info!


(just a quick edit/update! )
Miles also told us the lg15 crew only runs Bree's myspace the others are fan made myspaces. Owen, Danielbeast, and Jonas's myspaces aren't run by the creators.

Did Miles really MEEP?

LG15 today by GF

Fans of LG15 were relieved today to see that following the excellent "Human Ransom" vlog, the next few chapters were NOT going to be footage of Jonas and Daniel playing foosball while Bree sulked in the bathroom. The scoobies observed a watcher / deacon / SUV driver (all are evil!) outside the house and Jonas went out to confront him while Bree annoyingly got in the way, turning what could have been a good fight scene into a bitch-slap. Anyway the description of the video is that the Scoobies are now on the run again as Jonas's luxury mansion is no longer safe...hmmm maybe the Order will turn it into a luxury hotel in their absence.

So its another LG15 roadtrip!

GF out xxx

Friday, February 16, 2007


Originally uploaded by modelmotion.
On valentines day LG15 addicts sent the cast and crew of Lonelygirl15 a very unique valentines day card. Contributions came from around the World!!!!

Deacons 1st Video & Mission Inn Drop

While we were commenting on the "Valentine's Day Massacre" video last night, the Deacons posted one of their coded messages (see comment 368) that Marcus decoded to a riddle (419) that I solved to being a link to a Deacons video on Revver (437) http://www.revver.com/watch/175503 

The video had had two more codes, one in the description and one in the video. Marcus solved the description code with a hint from Opladybug (461), and Perky typed in 1 million hex codes from the video (489) and decoded them (495).  -D aka "Linc" found the address of the "Mission Inn" which was featured in the Deacons video (517). Unfortunately, Marcus was too drunk to drive to the Inn last night to find whatever might be found there.
Today, a hungover Marcus bought a new video camera, and despite desperate pleas from several concerned moms in the comments, proceeded without backup to the Deacons drop site where he obtained a necklace and an SD card with password protected (and as yet unreadable) data.  We are still waiting for Marcus' video to be available on YouTube, but it should appear here sometime soon: 
 ~ QtheC

Everyone is raving about the all-new Yahoo! Mail beta.

Today on LG15

Hey there!

Today on LG15, a short video was posted. Most meepers agreed that there could have been a bit more added on. When I arrived, meepers were desperater for poster Marcus to appear. Marcus had been out to a drop site and was video taping the trip. Marcus did not take long to arrive (long from when I got on anyway) and to much delight posted a youtube.com link to his video. Unfortunately, many of the meepers were unable to view the video, due to some sort of YouTube error. Marcus let us know that he found a disk that was password protected and did not yet crack it. He was also considering joining Revver in order to post his video on the right side of the comments page.


Welcome to LG15 TODAY

This is a bit of an experiment.

Try writing a short story…..lets say a summary of what you have been following today on LG15.

Then E-mail it to: modelmotion.lg15today@blogger.com

The story should appear at http://lg15today.blogspot.com/

This might not be the best way to go about LG 15 TODAY………but its just a trial to see how well it would work.

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