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Saturday, July 7, 2007


KateModern profile on Bebo

Kate (AbstractHeart)

I signed up for this so I could showcase my art. Stil working on getting that up...

I like making videos and messing around with multi-media stuff.

I study art and I share a flat in East London with my friend Charlie. She's a bit mad but she introduced me to vegemite so she can stay.

What else should I say here..? 681 characters left...

I like air, food, Final Cut Pro and people who try to make a difference.

And - Fun fact... I once went to a pencil museum in Cumberland.



Prince, The Kooks, Ella Fitzgerald, Kate Nash, Gnarls Barkley, Daft Punk, My Chemical Romance, Maroon5, Joss Stone, Gwen Stefani, Alicia Keyz, Amy Winehouse, Norah Jones, Boy Better Know, Blink 182, Scissor Sisters, The Klaxons, Elvis, Take That, Sublime, Missy Elliot, Peter Gabriel, Massive Attack, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Elvis Costello, Pharell Williams, Justin Timberlake, Portishead, Faithless, Joy Division, Goldfrapp, The Beatles, Stereophonics, Nizlopi, Kaizer Chiefs, The Killers... is that enough?

Wings of Desire, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Meet the Parents, Toy Story 1 and 2, Rita Sue and Bob Too, Life of Brian, The Incredibles, City of God, Kind Hearts and Coronets.

Jeff Koons, Dali, Diane Arbus, Tacita Dean, Banksy, Sam Taylor- Wood, me (shameless plug), Spike Jonze and Michel Gondry.

Scared Of
Werewolves & Doctors.

Happiest When
I'm in the flow...

From LGpedia
'KateModern will be set in London, and much like Bree, Kate will be doing battle against dark forces, while trying to have a semblance of a normal life."

Do you know any of these people????? If so tell us who they are in a comment below!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LonelyPotter? - meepersanonymous

A little research can be magical

Kicked Out NBR Investigates

Yep you guessed it...

Once again, after posting her video, Nikki B came onto comments and posted this
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

LIVE FROM 777!!!!

:::::::NEWSFLASH: B-man saw a cowboy at the meetup!:::::::::::
Since B-man recently proposed to LG's own Yousef Abu-Taleb, we are unable to confirm or deny that he has taken his proposals to Youtube with a proposal to theHill88.

B-man has now retuned and is currently downloading the video to his computer.

Can't find your way to today's 777 Youtube Meetup in NYC? Live vicariously through our very own Brooklynxman in IRC at Out of Game.

He will be calling in with updates throughout the course of the day... will he get your shoutout?

Update from b-man... hasn't seen any LGers yet, hasn't met anyone yet, but there are about 200 people there, plus cameras and seating for something to do with thehill88.

Information on the 777 Meetup
http://www.youtubemeetup.com (might be crashed)

  • OTS reporter B-man will be reporting into the OutOf Game IRC CHAT periodically during the live NYC 7-7-07 Meetup

  • 777 is the DEVIL!!!!! - TheHill88
    glajhr'gjargljaer'lgjaelrgjglj a

    Marina Del Rey?

    Could the yaght marina be at Marina Del Rey? Compare these two pictures.

    1) notice the buidings in the background
    2) notice the design of the things on top of the pillars
    3) at least on of the large buiding in the background is probably: Odakyu Hotels Co Ltd, 4676 Admiralty Way, Marina Del Rey, CA 90292

    Related lniks:
    1) marina del rey

    londonfiles_011 - impulseLG

    the pieces are moving

    Today on LG15

    Today on LG15 GF missed the last vlog hence the lack of transcript (sorry!!) However she caught up with this blog...and is now VERY suspicious of Sarah..

    Daniel: It has taken us... forever to find this place. You know what, honestly, I could use a siesta.
    (Camera pans to Sarah, who is sitting with her eyes closed.)
    Daniel: (In a high-pitched voice) Sarah! (Sarah kicks him.) Hahaha. I don't think we were followed. That's good. But you're probably wondering where we are. Well, someone inside of the Hymn of One or the Order is definitely helping us out. Because, there was yet another secret message in Bree's latest vid. And that's awesome. Because without this helpful person... I really don't know where we would be next. I really hope it's not Carl, though. 'Cause that guy just creeps me out.

    *Alot of fans speculate that TCC stands for Toby, Carl and Claudia... could they be right?*

    (Cuts to Sarah standing inside a yacht.)

    Daniel: Don't go in there! (Sarah slams the door.) Oh my god. These friends of ours picked up on the secret message in Bree's latest vid. You know, the part about the weird voice in the background saying, "Look back, look back?" Well, if you actually did look back at the last word that Bree said before the freaky look back, then you would know that that word is a clue. Makes sense! Yeah, I didn't figure it out. The mad cyber-cracks broke it and sent me a series of words. Friday early, and low tide, yacht club parents slip. So break down these words. Friday -- today. Early -- yeah, we've gone over that. Low tide -- I think it's low tide. 'Cause it kinda smells. Now, yacht club and parents' slip, well obviously that's for Jonas. I mean, I know my parents weren't hangin' out here sipping cocktails.

    *From what we understand Beast your parent never "sipped" anything with alcohol in ...more like "chugged"*

    (Daniel opens the door to the yacht to find Sarah asleep on a couch.)
    Daniel: Sarah, are you... oh my God, wake up! What are you doing?
    (Sarah throws a pillow at Daniel. Cuts to them walking down a row of yachts.)
    Sarah: Dude, not all of these slips have numbers on them.
    Daniel: Just count them out.
    Sarah: Don't get snippy with me!
    Daniel: I'm not being snippy with you!
    Sarah: (Glares at the camera.) You're being snippy.

    *oooooh! Emos don't like counting..*

    (Musical montage of various yacht club scenes.)
    Daniel: The secret message was given to Jonas, but Jonas and Taylor are still like a day away. We couldn't wait. The message said today, and now's the time. So, here we are. At Jonas's parents' old boat slip. Alright, so we found the slip, but there's no boat.
    Sarah: I don't see anything. There is nothing here.
    Daniel: Look over the side.
    Sarah: Because I haven't done that yet? I'm not an idiot, Daniel.
    (She bends over the side of the dock.)
    Sarah: Hold on, I see something. I think it's a rope. It's a new rope. So... you know... (She begins tugging on the rope.) This is really hard! (A box appears at the end of the rope.) Oh my God, look! Gross...
    Daniel: Open it!
    Sarah: Well... okay. (She attempts to open it.) It's really stuck.
    (Cuts to Daniel attempting to open the box.)
    Sarah: I am a genius. What is it? Open it, come on!
    (Daniel opens a folder from inside the box.)
    Sarah: Yeah, so?
    Daniel: Isaac Gilman? How the hell did these papers wind up here?
    Sarah: I dunno.
    Daniel: It looks like a bunch of science stuff.
    Sarah: It's probably his research.
    Daniel: That's what I meant.
    Sarah: Here, let me see it, I can tell you what it is.
    (She grabs the folder from Daniel's hands.)
    Daniel: STOP!
    Sarah: Just let me... oops.
    (The papers drop into the water.)
    Daniel: You're an idiot!!!
    Sarah: I'm so SO sorry. Oh my God, oh my God. Get them.
    (Daniel leans over and retrieves the papers from the water.)

    *either Lexi isn't great at acting out accidents, (I seriously doubt it as she is a really good actress) or Sarah did that in purpose. Is she part of the Order? "Cue dramatic music"*

    Friday, July 6, 2007

    Coming Soon - Bill, Erica, and Victor

    The first chapter in the Acrowleyorder Film Series will soon becoming to an end. Look for our final video in the next few weeks. Thank you to all our friends and fans for their support.


    Bill, Erica, and Victor


    NOTE: The only YouTube videos that the the Hymn of One subscribe to are Lonelygirl15 and acrowleyorder!!!!!!!!!!!!~mm

    Where did Bree go?

    It has been a little more than a year since Bree first appeared on Lonelygirl15 and as time passes Bree appears to dissolve into the white screen of death called the Hymn of One. Why?

    Rumors began to swirl around May 21, 2007 when Milowent wrote "The Bree Drought: Will It Reach Biblical Proportions? " following a long gap in appearances by Bree.

    Now May 12th 2006 was when Bree registered the YouTube account lonelygirl15 and began to comment on the videos of many popular YouTubers. This means that Brees slow "exit" from LG15 appearances comes one year after the show began. The Creators have never specified publicly how long Jessica Rose committed to stay with the show leaving some to speculate that she may have reached the end of her initial commitment.

    For now Bree continues to appear sporadically, but the future appears much less clear. So, what's up Creators?

    All Wet

    Thanks again for finding the clue in Bree's last video. We found something interesting...but I just wish Sarah would chill out. - Daniel Faction: THE RESISTANCE

    All Wet on LGpedia

    The yacht club on LGpedia

    According to LGpedia:

    "Sarah's "I'm so SO sorry. Oh my God, oh my God. Get them." seemed rather sarcastic, so she might have thrown the papers in the water on purpose."

    Join Us! - schneidz124

    Join us!

    7-7-07 Get Your Shoutout

    Brooklynxman is going to 7-7-07 and has a proposal for you: Get a shoutout.

    The rules are simple. It starts at 11 on Saturday. I need ur request before I leave. So prolly I'll say by 8 or 9AM EST Saturday. You can list 3 youtubers, I will try to get one. If you list an actor from the lg cast I will assume all of them are on the list, I will take the list in the order u give it (as in u get 1 shout out, but get to ask for 3 so that the chances are higher u'll get them).

    Leave me in a comment here, pm me, whatever u want.

    Oh, and if u comment as anonymous, tell me who u are, cause anonymous as a shout out, especially if its more then one, come on....

    Note: B-man will produce a youtube video with the shout outs he records at 777, so this should be really really really fun!!!

    Note: as with all live events be careful!!!!

    Note: uchoobers who we think will be at 777: caitlin, brookers, nolts

  • Talk about 7-7-07 Meetup in the OutOf Game IRC CHAT

  • Information on the 777 Meetup


    NYC 777 Gathering
    Washington Square Park
    (Under the Arch)
    Saturday 07/07/2007
    11 AM - 8 PM
    Call For Information
    1-866-YT MEETS

    Map for Event

    KateModern Confusion

    Strange things are happening in the world of KateModern

    Earlier today the following profile was found that led some to believe it was related to KateModern

    However the owner of the profile stated in a comment below:

    ElizKM86 said...

    "I'm Liz! Thats me! And my boyfriend!!!
    I live in Rhode Island, I'm not part of the story...."

    So, how did all this come about. Well the following profile was found on Bebo:

    Liz says:

    "Right now I'm trying to find Kate Modern. Do you know her? Can you help?" (1 week ago) me too!


    However since we first published Liz requested that we remove the picture that was part of the story. It was our initial assumption that this profile was part of a viral marketing scheme for KateModern but this may not be the case. Can someone please tell us what is going on!!!!!!!

    and found was a profile for Katy Woo:


    If you know what is going on here leave us a comment below!!!!!!!! The R.I. connection have led some to speculate that this might be related to the acrowleyorder film series. However, Liz states in a comment below that she is just a fan and now part of the acrowleyorder series.


    It also looks like there is a feature on Bebo that allows users to ask questions or make statements about what they are doing right now. This is what allows some profiles to make reference to KateModern in "active links".

    According to Katy Woo:

    "yeah, about the thing on my profile...I saw the link to Liz's page on the lg15 today blog earlier on and saw the "looking for kate modern" thing and I clciked on it. It then said "can you help?" or something along those lines and I selected yes, thinking that it was part of the storyline or promotional campaign...it then appeared on my profile too!

    That'll teach me to click buttons which I don't have any idea about what they do!

    It's all fine though. Everyone is just really really excited about Kate Modern so I can understand how people will pick up on little details and I can also understand your need to keep the lg15today blog up to speed!

    Take care :-)"

    Thanks Katy! Here is an example of the "standard Bebo feature" that led to all this confusion:

    Research: B-man

    NOTE TO BEBO: It would be desirable if Bebo added a "logo" or some other indication if a profile page is an official part of the Breeniverse. These are real profiles we are dealing with here and the risk of making an error is tangible and could have undesirable consequences~mm

    NOTE TO ANY BEBO USER: If you create the impression that you are part of the KateModern story you are likely to get exposure on this blog because we will talk about things that appear to be related to the story.

    Thursday, July 5, 2007

    You're a smart guy... - xmarlasingerx

    Hey Spence!

    Um, I was watching Jonas's last video. And it got me thinking. At the risk of sounding ultra-emo and giving out too much information, I'm going to share a little story with you. Two years ago, my dad was hit by a car. It sucked. And at the time? It was just a freak accident. Middle of the day, cycling on their side of the street, and some guy just...came round and slammed into him. Killed him on impact.

    I guess it hurt so much then, that I didn't really want to think about it. And so...it was just a freak accident. I thought...shit happens - and it happened to me.

    [flips to a camera angle where Marla is leaning on her bed]

    Two years later, and the guy that hit him, got off with no charges. Nothing. I don't know about in America, but in Canada, when you hit a pedestrian, or a cyclist, it's automatic manslaughter. Accidental manslaughter, but manslaughter. There's SOME punishment, somewhere along the line. This guy? Zilch.

    [camera angle changes back again]

    I don't know whether he had a get out of jail free card, or whether the judge just figured it was a freak accident and he wasn't responsible, but...it seems a little fishy.

    [new camera angle]

    And two years later? I don't really know what happened. Spencer? You're a smart guy. Think about this. When your dad died, was there a proper investigation? Was there a witness? Was it plausible? I mean...it doesn't take a rocket scientist - and YOU'RE A SCIENTIST - to figure out when something's a little fishy.

    [Marla lying on bed]

    Spence, I know right now, things are really tough to talk about. And wounds...are still brand new. But in a couple years, you might be thinking differently. You might realise that...things just don't fit. Stuff is strange. And your dad's death? Might not have been a freak accident. I guess what I'm trying to say is that you're being offered something that Jonas and I were never offered. You're being offered the answer to "why??".

    [Marla upside down on bed]

    That answer is completely priceless. And I know you may not wanna think about it now, but in a little while, you might be kicking yourself that you didn't contact them. That you didn't listen to Jonas, or me, or anybody else that's been talking to you. Don't give up the chance. You might go your entire life regretting it.

    [back to Marla on bed]

    We're here for you. And we're going to try to make it as easy as possible for you. But you're a smart guy. Think about it. I know you'll figure it out.

    Going Back to Cali

    We're packing up our bags and heading west. My mom is crazy!!! Daniel, Sarah, we'll be there as soon as we can. - Taylor Faction: THE RESISTANCE

    Going Back to Cali on LGpedia

    Adding Kate to LGPedia

    As per the request of Miles, LGPedia is looking for a neat way to add the KateModern storyline. Anyone with design ideas or random comments are invited to post at:

    LGPedia design comments

    E-mail from Miles:

    "The characters "can" communicate with each other but it remains to be seen how much they will. Things like the Order, the Hymn of One, and all of that larger mythology will be in both series to varying degrees. Think of it like, the Order, HOO, the stuff about the blood, the girls, the Elders, etc. etc. are all the same across both shows. But, the characters and plot are different. Happy to answer any other questions. Thanks"

    NOTE: This appears to be the first direct statement from a Creator regarding the involvement of "blood" in LG15
    1) Bree's injections
    2) The Ceremony
    3)Iron Pills


    In the episode Truth Or Dare, Jonas gives a stuffed puppy to Daniel, saying "Hey Beast, is this your puppy? Do you need your puppy?" It is not known if this puppy has a name, nor if it truly belongs to Daniel or if it is Jonas's.


    Ahhh a doggie without a name:( Not fair. Leave a comment below with your suggestion for a nam!

    Offer for Jonas - acrowleyorder

    Direct Transmission
    From: Gemma
    To: Jonas


    Today on LG15

    Today on LG15 we left it to Beaver..I mean Sarah to tell us about her and Daniel.

    Sarah: I am free and happy. I am free and happy. I am free and happy. I am free and happy because I am locked in my room, away from all clingy and needy guys. You wanna hear my eternal freak song?


    Sarah: I am not now, nor have I ever been Mrs. Cleaver. I am not now, nor have I ever been Mrs. Cleaver. I am not now, nor have I ever been Mrs. Cleaver.

    (Cuts to Sarah in the living room, pushing a vacuum cleaner. Cuts to her in an apron borrowed from Nikki B folding laundry. Cuts back to her pushing the vacuum. Cuts to Sarah checking something in the oven. Cuts back to Sarah sitting in her bedroom.)

    Sarah: Who is Mrs. Cleaver?
    (Cuts to Sarah back in the yoga position.)
    Sarah: So you see, m'dear... the reality of "us" is... not all happy faces and sappy love songs and sunshine and birdies.

    (Sarah gets close to the camera.)

    Sarah: Why do you guys always get so serious? I mean, really. It's a big turn-off. Come on, Daniel, think about my life. I just graduated high school, I left home, I don't even know what I'm doing with my future. Except for the fact that I'm chasing around Bree, the cult girl. I mean, come on. What did you think would happen? You're a bud. Be a bud. Let's just kick back and chill. "Chill" being the key word here. And who knows... maybe I'll let you paint my toes again sometime soon.

    *Did Daniel try to make Sarah his famous chicken and pine nuts dish? Do Jonas and Nikki B shop at the same cookery shop? Where the hell is this going?*

    Stay tuned...

    londonfiles_010 - impulselg

    crossing the bridge

    The Case of the Mystery Apron

    Research by Zoey:

    How exactly did this apron make its way from Nikki B. home to Jonas' kitchen?

    Screenshot from "Dude Back Off"

    Compare for yourself:

    It's Party Time - NBR Investigates - NikkiBower

    Research by Zoey.

    Any comment Nikki? Or, do you and Jonas just happen to have identical taste:)

    July 5th, 2007 - EWLPRI

    The EWLPRI's second official press release

    Evaluating Business 2.0's Top 25: Bebo

    "Rather than thinking of Bebo as a single community, we like to think of it as a network of communities that connect people with real friends, colleagues and other individuals with similar interests."


    Bebo links up with Current TV

    "Bebo members will have the chance to win a day at Current's London studios and present on-air by filming their own introduction to a video from the channel's line-up and uploading it to Bebo."


    "We are at the forefront of a true revolution of personal expression and, like Current, Bebo provides a unique platform for people to communicate and collaborate with other people anywhere in the world on the web," said Bebo international president Joanna Shields.

    July 24 Pier Screenings: When Content = Advertising

    "Our guest speaker this month is Greg Goodfried, co-creator of the Lonelygirl15 series.'


    "A couple days ago we gave you the scoop on the Lonelygirl guys’ new project, KateModern, which looks to be setting new records in product placement, with three P&G brands, Buena Vista International, Orange and WindowsLive participating"

    Wednesday, July 4, 2007

    Dude Back Off

    Being clingy gets you nowhere. It's about FUN. - Sarah Faction: THE RESISTANC

    Back Off Dude on LGpedia

    NOTE: some fans have compared the faint that emoSarah does against the kitchen wall to what "itscassie" did previously in that video series. It is not clear if this is a coincidence or an indirect reference. Compare for yourself at 2:59:

    Also look at 0:08 on http://one.revver.com/watch/142154

    and also 2:00 on http://one.revver.com/watch/129135

    What do you think? Leave a comment below!

    emoSarah says.....

    marlasinger wrote:
    /me bangs head against desktop

    Sarah? I'm uh...starting to get worried...are you okay? Everything fine? I'd hate for the last thing you post to be a complaint about how clingy DB is being. I'd like you to be okay, and I'd like you to actually come back and check on us, and talk to us about this stuff.

    Uh...yeah, hope everything's okay.

    emoSarah replied:

    Wed Jul 04, 2007 11:00 am

    Thanks for your concern Marla. I appreciate your thoughtfulness. After posting my last blog I was faced the realities of this whole online diary thingy (whether it be written or video). Daniel, Bree, and Jonas have been doing this for such a long time and they've dealt really well strangers and friends seeing, hearing, or reading their emotions on a daily basis. For me, this is all still new. I've written in a journal for so long and I sort of get lost in my own emotions forgetting that I'm not locking my diary and putting it under my bed. It's a public journal for all of you to see. I realize that I have chosen to do that. I have chosen to spill my guts in public. But people need to remember that I'm human. I'm here in an unfamiliar house in a town I've never been to before... with so much going on in my friend's lives, the life I left at home, etc. Anyway, I was a bit jolted by some of the comments here and just needed some time to think about it. That's all. But I'm back now.

    emoSarah wrote:

    Wed Jul 04, 2007 11:25 am

    I agree on all points. Thanks

    So what have I been up to? Daniel and I are here at the house... there's not much around here and we don't have a car lol. So, we just hang out here a lot. We walked to that lake last week. It must have been 5 miles away... my legs are still sore!

    We both feel pretty helpless. Everyone thought Spencer would jump at the chance to help us... but who would want to get mixed up in all this? It is pretty crazy stuff and I understand where he's coming from. But without his help we're stumped. None of us (except Taylor) has a science background so we've gone as far as we can with Mr. Avery's journal. It's pretty frustrating!

    cittiecait wrote:
    so whats been said between you and daniel since monday then ?

    emoSarah replied:

    Wed Jul 04, 2007 11:28 am

    He hasn't been online much and hasn't read what I wrote. So things are pretty much the same...

    Janitor of Oxford


    "to fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence;
    supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting."
    (This quotation comes from Sun Tzu's book "The Art of War.")


    i was here
    (tags: janitor)

    The "Janitor of Oxford" was part of a solution to a puzzle in the video by impulse - "londonfiles_009" [07/02/07]. To read more about it, see this thread http://lonelygirl15.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=11881

    Why Mission Viejo?

    From LGpedia (The Mistress)
    Drew: Isaac, it's Drew Avery. I have Bree here with me now. She's ready for her final injection. I was wondering if you--
    Isaac: Hello? Drew. Hey Drew, I'm here. You found her?
    Drew: Yeah, she's with me now.
    Isaac: Listen, if I leave now, we can meet in Mission Viejo. You wanna do dinner?
    Drew: Um, let me talk to Bree.
    Isaac: Listen, I'm taking my son Spencer out to celebrate the new year. I'd love for him to meet Bree. Her love of science actually reminds me a lot of Spence when he was her age. Who knows, maybe Spencer can mentor Bree.
    The Mistress: Isaac left here at 3:15 to go pick up Spencer. Around 3:30 his car plowed through a guardrail on the 5, and he died. He never made it to Spencer's.

    From Wikipedia:

    ""Mission Viejo, a safe place! For you and your money" was a common slogan adopted by locals and city council members during the sixties and early seventies and helped to create the thriving Masonic population that settled within the region during the time. "



    NOTE: charles phoenix said...
    ive actually done the math... if Bree and Drew were indeed at the shopping area/cafe in west hollywood shown in the video "the unthinkable happened"... and we surmise that issac lived in La Jolla (from the tennis club, and UC San Diego location)... Mission Viejo is the exact middle city... so drivng distance would have been equal for the two too meet.

    Today on LG15

    Today on LG15 Jonas mused over mad older women and reluctant scientists.

    Jonas: Hey everybody, I'm still here in lovely, lovely Zavalla, Texas. Everything's pretty much the same, except worse. Taylor's trying to be there for her mom right now. I don't get her mom. She's going through this weird phase of trying to relive her youth. But all she's really doing is pushing Taylor away. I feel bad for her, you know. She is... she's such a nice kid. If nothing else (A baby's cry is heard.), I can be here for her right now.

    *Big brother Jonas awwww*

    Jonas: I caught the last Hymn of One video. Here's the thing. I'm not gonna be mopey anymore. I'm not gonna wallow in my own self-pity. I'm making myself sick, you know. I'm annoying myself. I had a long drive to think, I got a haircut. I just want to be the old Jonas again. So, I'm gonna do that.

    (Jonas starts walking.)

    Jonas: Hey Spencer, I want to talk to you directly. Look man, I watched your last video, I listened to what you had to say, and believe me, I know where you're comin' from. You've got this regular normal life going, and I think that's cool. I... I wish I had that. But the thing is, we wouldn't come to you unless we really needed your help. You know, you and me, we're a lot alike. And I know we have one thing in common. See, I lost my dad too. And I think your dad died for the same exact reason as mine. The Order. I know it's weird to you for some stranger to just go babbling on about all this crazy shit, but I'm tellin' you the truth. We need your help. Look, if you don't believe me, just check out the latest Hymn of One video. I think she's in a lot of trouble man, and we could really really use your help. Thanks.

    *Will Spencer respond?*

    Stay tuned...

    Tuesday, July 3, 2007

    My Dad Died Too

    I'm still in Zavalla, trying to support Taylor. Spencer, come on man, we wouldn't bother you if it wasn't this important. - Jonas Faction: THE RESISTANCE

    "My Dad Died Too" on LGpedia:

    Jonas is at Van Nuys Sherman Oaks Park in Van Nuys, CA, the same park from Crazy Emo Chick and It's A Cult.

    Jonas on MySpace
    Spencer on YouTube

  • Talk to.... LG15 Characters : Follow the link on the right --->

  • How is LG15 going? TELL US what YOU think!!!!
  • T-Shirt Contest Finalists

    The Creators said,

    Hey Everyone,

    The finalists for the T-SHIRT design contest are posted in the forums at: lonelygirl15.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=11920
    Check them out! You have all month to vote and we will print the top two-vote getters.


    Design 1: EEVEE

    Design 2: momtoirishtwins


    Design 3: Sarahboo!

    Design 4: Samara

    Design 5: curriguy

    Design 6: Rose Crowley

    Good Luck everyone!

    The Creators say...

    Hey everyone,

    We read your comments and know that you feel the story is moving a little slowly at the moment. I want to assure you that we are working tirelessly to tell a really compelling action-packed story with plot movement. We have some really great stuff over the next couple months. We are putting all of our resources into increasing production value, great writing, and improving the website. Also, we are working on something that a lot of you have been asking about for a while and it is going to be very very cool. We hear what you are saying and value all of your opinions. We are doing our best and thank you soooo much for your continued support, even when you doubt us.


    ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::TELL US WHAT YOU THINK::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
    How do you think LG15 is going??? What about the characters??? How about the plot? What should be done different??? Leave a comment below and let us know what YOU think!!!!

    Fan references

    Throughout the series, many devoted fans of LG15 have received shout-outs from the characters in the videos.


    Special thanks to Zoey for all the hard work in LGpedia!

    Dedicated to Yousef - sheetzjunkie

    The first installment of my dedication vids to the actors on lg15. Clips: LG15 Music: "Don't Stop" - Simply MC http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.0/

    Today on LG15

    Today on LG15 there was an incoming message from the big giant head! er no.. I mean there was a transmission from Bree.

    Bree: What if every day were like Friday? (Look Back is heard in the background) TGIF. We work or go to school all week. And wait for that special day to arrive. Remember what life was like before you had to go to school or to work? (Camera fades in and out.) Before your day started with an alarm clock telling you to get up early?

    *Are the HoO promoting unemployment?*

    Bree: Life was so easy then. So full of joy. So full of your song. It was never a roller coaster ride. You know how you can be feeling high, and then suddenly your world shifts and you're feeling really low? (Look Back is heard in the background. Camera fades in and out.) What if your life were as calm and as beautiful as a lake? So many of us are thrashing about in the turbulant ocean of life. Allowing the tide to take us any which way it flows. What if you could remove the push of the tide? (Look Back is heard in the background. Camera fades in and out.) Lots of money, an expensive car, a huge house, a fancy yacht. (Look Back is heard in the background. Camera fades in and out.) Designer clothes, celebrity friends, belonging to an elite club. (Look Back is heard in the background. Camera fades in and out.) Does any of that stuff bring you the joy and happiness you had as a child? My first memory is walking barefoot through the grass and singing to my parents. (Look Back is heard in the background. Camera fades in and out.) Every time I sing my eternal song with the Hymn of One, I feel that joy and happiness. You can feel it too. (Camera fades in and out.) Take some time today and remember. Don't let the opportunity pass you by. (Camera fades in and out.) You can find your song today. Pull over that expensive car, walk outside that huge house, sail that fancy yacht into its slip. (Look Back is heard in the background. Camera fades in and out. Bree opens her eyes) Look back at the time of joy and happiness. And know that you can have it all again with the Hymn of One. (Camera fades out.) The Hymn of One sings to you. Can you hear it?

    (Cuts to a shot of the Hymn of One website.)

    Bree: Contact the Hymn of One, and bring yourself back to the joy and happiness that you had as a child.

    *Clever fans have already translated Bree's message as "Friday Early Low Tide Yacht Club Parents Slip". Will there be a reunion for Jonas's family?*

    stay tuned...

    Monday, July 2, 2007

    Judgment Day - Victor, O.o.D.

    The K.T./O.o.T., the military wing of the Order of Denderah, has concluded a three pronged assault on the terrorist organization responsible for the Paris attack on Papess Erica. These joint operations targeted individuals who planned and participated in the aforementioned terrorist plot. The military operations took place in Northern California, Nevada, and Los Angeles. The final operation this evening in Los Angeles was an aerial assault on four terrorists who directly participated in the attack on the motorcade carrying Papess Erica. It has been confirmed that the individual known as Brother was killed in tonight’s Los Angeles operation.

    Long live Erica.


    Victor, O.o.D.
    Grandmaster of the Order of the Temple


    Look Back

    Find the happiness you had as a child. - Bree Faction: THE ORDER

    "Friday early low tide yacht club parents slip"

    Code Breaking research: dixiemccoy

    Look Back on LGpedia

    Once again this video ends with TCC.

    The words before Look Back are "Friday Early Low Tide Yacht Club Parents Slip". Fans have speculated that this means on Friday, July 6th, at the early low tide, TAAG should go to the place where Jonas's (or Sarah's) parents parked their yacht.
    TGIF stands for "Thank God It's Friday".

    Early Low tide on Friday July 6, 2007 is at 8:15am.

    Could this be the location of the slip?

    Research: dixiemaccoy

    Related links:
    1) Jonas' home is revealed to be in or around Seahaven, California
    2) Where does Jonas live?
    3) Google maps
    4) Golden Hinde Inn and Marina/

    5) http://www.syconline.org/
    6) SYC Map

    Lab Rat?

    Lab Rat - itscassie

    What did they do to me!!?


    by Joe:

    June 30th, 2007 at 5:13 pm

    I have a transcript of the first meeting with the creators and Neutrogena executives.

    Execs: We want to give you this suitcase full of $1 bills in exchange for product placement on your videos.
    Creators: Sure, what do you have in mind?
    Execs: You create a new character that works in our company that can cure Bree.
    Creators: That might work. How about instead we create a new character that works in your company that can cure Bree but doesn’t want to.
    Execs: Uhm, why wouldn’t he want to help?
    Creators: We’ll get someone who looks like a hobbit from the Lord of The Rings, and here’s the best part. He’ll like the color green.
    Execs: Maybe this isn’t such a good idea.
    Creators: Trust us. The female fans will love him. Are they all singles or are there some larger bills in the bottom?

    emoSarah says.....

  • Talk to.... LG15 CHARACTERS : Follow the link on the right --->

  • SkyIsEmpty Posted:
    Mon Jul 02, 2007 1:46 pm

    Hi people. I just posted a new blog on myspace. I'll be back later to chat and answer some of your questions... I just wanted to give you the heads up. Take care & thanks for the support.

    EmoSarah on mySpace:

    Monday, July 02, 2007

    let me help you with those dishes

    The definition of clingy is "to hold fast or to adhere to something." You know, like a dryer sheet, which if left in the dryer for too long will adhere to your clothing. Or when it's cold outside and you cling to your friend as you both rush to the car for sanctuary.

    There is another form of clingy that I am now all too aware of. Like when a friend clings or latches on to you for attention, emotional support, or stimulation. These are friends who have lacked emotional or physical comfort for sometime and when finally faced with that which they've missed they become... yes, you guessed it - clingy.

    Now, I do not want to over dramatize the situation at hand, but I am feeling a bit claustrophobic at the moment because of a particularly clingy friend. "Claustrophobic" refers to an abnormal tendency to feel terror in closed spaces. I haven't quite reached terror levels yet or had prolonged moments of horror or panic. I have, however, experienced prolonged moments of "space invasion" - when the oh so important space boundaries around my person are invaded over long periods of time.

    "Hey, what are you reading? Can I read it with you?"

    "Awesome. I love crossword puzzles. I'm really good at solving them."

    "Wanna cuddle?"

    "Let me help you with those dishes."

    Elendi-Waffle Lonelistic Physics Research Institute

    EWLPRI Press Release - EWLPRI

    Elendi-Waffle Lonelistic Physics Research Institute
    on LGpedia

    Lonelistic Physics: Why there are no plot holes. (discussion)


    The Others - Erica

    The Others


    Explaining the belief system of the Order of Denderah on a message board is a little difficult but I will give it a try. We do hold a belief in the same G_D found in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. We believe that there is only one G_D and that G_D is Yahweh. We also believe that Jesus was born of a virgin by the will of G_D but we do not view him as G_D but as a product of G_D. We do believe that Jesus is immortal and overall we agree with many of the Christian views of Jesus. We believe that G_D created man through an evolutionary process and that the first man gifted by G_D with a basic intelligence based on the concept of Good and Evil was Adam. We do not believe that G_D gave him Free Will. We believe that his first wife was Lilith, an angel that was transformed into a human by G_D. Adam and Lilith mated, she was mother too many children before the relationship ended. Lilith was then freed by G_D from the Earth and once again became immortal. G_D then granted Eve basic intelligence on a level with Adam. We believe that the Archangel Lucifer then gave both Adam and Eve the gift of Free Will. Lilith, when she was human, had Free Will as did her children but Adam did not. We believe that our religion was founded by the first children of Lilith and Adam. We believe that they preserved a bloodline free of the blood of Eve. This direct line from Lilith exists today and we worship its existence. We do not worship G_D in a manner that most religions would consider traditional. Our religion is not centered on the worship of a deity but in the worship of his creations and that of his Angels.



    londonfiles_009 - mpulselg

    Truth or Consequences

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