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Thursday, January 17, 2008



"Oh yeah, and as always, someone will die!"

From Wikipedia: "A dead pool, also known as a death pool or a ghoul pool is a game of prediction which involves guessing when someone will die."

Let us known your prediction of who will die in the LG15 Season Finale in a comment below.


  1. Greg/Watcher. No one has said anything about an actor on the series leaving, so that just leaves the production team members who also play roles.

    So, since the last thing I want is to see Lucy go...

  2. Sarah... or Dr. Hart... but I want Sarah to go.

  3. Gina or Jonas, or both (they never said only one person)

  4. I agree with apo, seeing Lucy go is the last thing I want to see. I really want to see Dr. Hart go, he is creppy.

  5. I bet 1000 meeps that Dr. Hart is sleeping with the fishes when it's all over.

  6. I think Dr Hart or Mallory if she's still in the show.

  7. I think its Sarah, I don't know why but I have a funny feeling it will be. I don't want her to be the one to die though I hope it's Dr Hart

  8. as long as pharma guy is saved, they can kill off whoever they want :-)

    seriously though, emma seems the logical candidate, but almost too obvious.

  9. haha yes, please save pharma guy!!
    I'm thinking Emma would be too obvious too, and I would actually be disappointed if it was.

    I'm gonna go with Dr. Hart... he's just nutso

  10. Hmmm... Dr. Hart or Jennie, I think! *nods*

    Emma would be way too obvious, not to mention killing off another big character we all know and love so much (coughbreecough) might cause a fan mutiny.

  11. Im putting 2 youghurts and a value burger microwave meal on doctor hart !

  12. I'm sorry, but I don't care any more. Loneygirl15 died with Bree. It's been spinning its wheels ever since. So my prediction? The show--at least, for me.

  13. things never end well for characters who betray others like Dr. Hart did... even if he did for what he felt were justifiable reasons

    definitely will NOT be Emma... that would basically be a replay of the Season 1 finale

  14. In the biggest product placement faux pas ever, Taylor will die from bad almond paste poisoning after tasting a mocha caffe double latte with almond flavoring (can you tell I don't order these crazy coffees and just made that up?) at her new job at Starbucks.

  15. I like my other prediction : whoever dies will go "flatline" and appear dead for a minute or so, but will then be resusitated, and the Creators will jump into view on the video point at the camera and yell "Psych!"

  16. It's going to be like the big deal on myspace Dr.Hart is going to get killed along with Carl.

    It would be really bad if Emma got it been there done that.

    Something in my gut says Jonas.
    yeah those are my guesses.

  17. I agree with Anon: the show has been going nowhere all season 2. I've tried and tried to stick with it. But finally gave up about a month ago.

    Frankly, LG15today has been more entertaining than LG15 the last few months, so I do continue to check in here. But I'm done with the show.

  18. My money goes on Sarah. I think if it were a watcher, Lucy, or Dr. Hart, it wouldn't be as dramatic, certainly not end of season dramatic.

    Sarah, after how much her character has changed over the season, seems most likely to me.

    I don't think the team would be stupid enough to let Daniel or Jonas go, but then again, Yousefs been doing some things outside lg15 hasn't he? So maybe he's finally decided to call it a day...:(

    I really don't think it's Emma though. We can't lose 2 ceremony girls.

    Who knows, maybe Kate'll turn up and really WILL be killed and then her body is dumped in Brick Lane, and we find out Englands a week ahead of America xD

  19. jellyfish - I didn't think of Jennie! Good point!

  20. i think it'll be Dr Hart. He'll get caught up in a standoff between jonas and the watcher and get shot by mistake... by emma... go figure.

  21. Totally Dr. Hart. The Creators aren't creative enough to come up with something other than that.

  22. I think it will be Bob.

  23. I think it will be someone who has turned aginst almost everyone or the most obvius. (A.K.A Dr. Hart or Emma, Jonus, Daniel, Sarah, Taylor, Mallory.)
    Or Bree's ghost shows up freaks everyone out and kills everyone in the order or HoO.

  24. Ithink it willbe Charlie(from KM) or OpAphid or Sarah 'cus she is ausome and they always kill the ausome people(BREE!), or it willbe Dr.Hart 'cus he is ,well, not in a good mental state or nutso.

  25. It will be Jennie because they can't afford her salary and she has displayed angst about not wanting to die.
    That's like a red shirt in Star Trek. :)


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