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Monday, January 7, 2008

whatweird.com/Jack MYSTERY SOLVED!!!

Over the past couple hours, user Evergreen has uncovered a MAJOR reveal on whatweird.com & YouTuber Jack. It turns out that whatweird.com & Jack are ARG's for the upcoming movie "Jumper"!
Recently posts have been made regarding "Paladins" and "scars" left behind when teleporting. Evergreen decided to research a bit about the movie and book (not so coincidentally recommended by a user in the forums). It turns out that according to both the movie and book, "jumpers" (a.k.a. teleporters) are people gifted with the ability to teleport at will. They leave behind, what could best be explained as, miniature wormholes that can temporarily destroy anything in their path that are called "scars." A secret brotherhood, descended from the Knights Templar and called the "Paladins", are charged with authority to capture and kill any and all "jumpers." Jumpers are known to get a type of runners' high when teleporting (as mentioned in one of Jack's vlogs).
And of course, "coincidentally" the movie Jumper hits theaters next month and the sequel to the novel in two months.
All signs point to either/both "Jumper" the movie and/or the book being current sponsors for LG15. It would explain the passing mentions of whatweird.com in videos by Daniel & Taylor in LG15 and Gavin in KM, as plugs. It would also explain why it's been SO long for the Creators to accept/deny ANY allegations that whatweird/Jack are tied to the current LG15/KM stories.
We may have also solved the mystery of the missing video responses as of late. Perhaps part of the sponsorship stipulations are that Jack will be the only accepted video response to be in the spotlight of LG15 fans???

The only questions that are remaining from LG15/KM (and whatweird/Jack) fans are:
"Are the Creators behind this ARG and its movement, or is it run by a 'Jumper' employee?"
"Will whatweird.com/Jack ARG exist AFTER the movie and book come out?"

Trailer for the movie "Jumper"


  1. I for one, feel like a complete tool for falling for this...... =(

  2. no worries hopeful, there definitely is a LG connection so you weren't wrong ya know>?

  3. Just one slight modification to Hope's great article: The sequel to the novel that is due out soon is actually a graphic novel, whereas the movie is based of the original sci-fi book.

  4. Aw, sorry Hopeful =(
    But the movie looks interesting...I may watch it...

  5. I agree. It looks pretty cool.
    It should also be noted the movie stars (or rather, costars) Jamie Bell.

  6. Does this mean Kate will be teleporting to the premiere in LA (if that is where it is)?

    .....and more importantly can we harness this power to get Mesh out of the 436?

  7. It will be interesting to hear from the LG15 Productions aka the Creators when the veil of secrecy is lifted ... how this deal worked, and was it considered a success for all involved?

  8. Just looking at "watchyourjack" on YouTube with 7 videos of about 1000 views each ... that doesn't look too impressive, so far. Will there be a big ramp up in the next couple of months?

  9. I think 436 would have been a greater marketing campaign. And I'm not just saying that because I would expect a royalty check.

  10. On a serious note, I didn't really find these videos very good. They could have put a little more money into it.

  11. I agree Q from a common sense standpoint, but disagree from a marketing standpoint which is where my background is in.

    You'd think that there would be better ways to attract people. Whatweird.com has less than 100 members, Jack has less than 200 members. 300 more people seeing a movie/buying a book & comic book are NOTHING.

    But from a marketing standpoint. You get a website for like $30, make 7 videos on YouTube for about $0, pay some actor to play Jack for 1 hour of work $50-100, offer a deal to someone like lg15 for a couple of mentions/cameos for a couple thousand dollars. What do did was effectively brilliant. You just bought yourself publicity to about 300 people, who no doubt will now be interested in the movie... no one likes going to movies alone so they ask 1-3 friends to go with them. Those friends tell their friends... etc... before you know it you've got buzz about the movie to a couple thousand people for effectively something in the ballpark of $5000. $10 a movie ticket, you make your money back and then some.

  12. i feel totally used as another consumer to buy into some shitty film, i for one have unsubribed to watchyourjack and feel slightly betrayed by the C's

  13. Actually. It's LG15 that's become shitty. This film is an upgrade.

    But I don't see the connection between this trailer and Jack/Whatwierd. Is there something I'm missing (probably!)?





  15. I definitely prefer this subtle and interactive sponsorship rather than the cram it down your throat version we've had on KM.

    I am amused that the trailer says it comes out "Presidents Day weekend." I have doubts that the general public would know when that is off the top of their heads.

    I like the premise of the Jumper story, but I have a feeling that Hollywood will try to make this too flashy. Maybe I'll go for the book.

  16. I don't think this was in any way subtle or that this is any better way of product placement than the KM version. As irritating as the KM product placement method is, at least you know when you are being sold something instead of being tricked into thinking that the advertising is a part of the narrative.

  17. Man, that angry anonymous above (not you anon just above me, the one above alli) sure give the rest of us anons a bad name.

    If I'm going to be that negative and make all those angry claims, I'll leave my name so there can be follow up on my de-subscribing.

    But I'm just glad there's some variety. Not complaining and I'm interested to see where Jack goes. :)

  18. Folks, if you are a regular commenter, please stop using the 'Anonymous' option. You don't even have to sign up for anything, just pick the nickname option and enter *something* as a handle to use here besides 'Anonymous.' It's not to identify you, it's just a communication convenience/courtesy.

  19. Note: If you want to prevent someone else posting in your name, it's better to sign up for a blogger ID.

  20. AlliBean,
    Thanks a lot. Now I feel stupid for not knowing when Presidents Day is.

  21. Holy crap this movie looks good.

  22. Awesome! This looks like it's gonna be a pretty cool movie.

  23. I know how the creators can redeem themselves with some of the disgruntled fans and in the process do a little more advertisement.

    In the next video. Daniel goes on LG15Today and finds out that Jack and Whatweird are just a marketing campaign for a movie. He is as shocked and pissed as a certain anonymous or even more. He Unsubscribes to the videos and deletes his whatweird account. Cursing and screaming the entire time. Then he watched the trailer, calms down and says: "Looks like a pretty good movie"

    End video.

  24. This movie looks awesome. I saw both trailers here at work and the special effects alone look worth the ticket.

  25. OMG!!!!!!!!

    Joe that's brilliant. We should make you the 5th C.....or would it be 4th....

    ......i get so confused with Mesh popping in and out of the 436.

  26. first of all, congrats to evergreen.

    second, joe's idea is amazing. it really GETS what would work with the lg15 audience (and savvy internetters everywhere)

    third, i am most interested to see how the community reacts. the fact that WYJ is tied into a movie isn't really a deception. lg15 is an advertisement for itself, WYJ just happens to be an online adverstising component that also has a movie behind it.

  27. This movie does look AMAZING!

    as a fan of Jacks vids I gotta say that I am not let down at all, we all knew there was something going on beyond the surface of WatchYourJack and if it had to be of monetary value at least it's from a cool flick like Jumpers.

    I know im going to check it out in the theaters.

  28. I think Rupert Van Heldon is a JUMPER.

  29. You guys, there have been ARGs like this to promote all sorts of things. A.I.; the Halo video games; there were Second Life things for I Am Legend; and it's not a trick, it's a game, and if it turns out I'm now into seeing the movie Jumper because it reminds me of the game, SO WHAT? I'd probably have gone to see it anyway!

    And to the anonymous above, that's the POINT of an ARG, it's supposed to seem or be taken as real while you play it. TINAG -- this is not a game. If you're so mad about being tricked that Bree was real, then why are you looking at an LG15 blog?

    I mean, what's the big deal? You didn't honestly think Jack could teleport, did you? You knew it was fake! What's the matter if it's about a movie that's also not real?

  30. I agree with Kismet. It was fun getting involved in the ARG on WW. What am I saying? I sound like the game is over! We still don't know everything about the (Helen) Duncans and Suzie's Gran! I'm ready for more clues!

  31. Well spoken Kismet and Evergreen.

    Nine Inch Nails did a similar ARG with the release of their most recent album "Year Zero"

    Face it folks, we are all on the front of a new media form and an entirely new way to get information/advertising out to large numbers of people (as well as interact directly with these people, something that has never been explored this thoroughly before).

    And as such, they shall face our wallets!! :D

  32. Who ARE these folk who are shocked and appalled that a vlog about a boy teleporting is a fake? Good grief *to anon* Pssst! The show Heroes isn't real either!

    I love the look of Jumper and if the Creators are involved in the film then fair play. I personally think they just got paid a nice lump sum to promote Watchyourjack (hence the quick acceptance time)

  33. What do you mean Jack can't teleport? Of course he can. I saw it on YouTube. Just saying.....

    Now can we get on with the show so that Serena can teleport into KateModern?

  34. lol, Joe, I'm not claiming that I am that well versed in obscure holidays either :-P

  35. Oh man... I love you guys!!! Reality is so overrated anyways, right? I'll take all the alternate reality I can get.

  36. This is redunkulous!

    But it sounds interesting. Donnie Darko all over again. xD

  37. They actually should make a really cool vlog series based on the movie but with a full Hollywood budget. I am sure the Cs would help them with the genre. Could be pretty cool if done right with cool Hollywood special effects.

  38. I just hope everyone remembers that there's more to whatweird than the Jumper promo. A lot of other things are still happening that have little to nothing to do with it...!

  39. Of course, I knew whatweird/watchyourjack was an ARG, all along, but I was hoping that it was somehow connected to LG15 instead of piggybacking on it. As soon as someone found the connection between "paladin" and this movie though, I was a little let down. Just viral marketing...

    And...the movie looks like Hollywoodized crap. I might read the book, though.

  40. You want to know what I think is funny, I was the first one to even mention Jumper Or Gould, and I don't work for LG15 or the move I was just a fan of it from the first book, and fyi The movie is "loosely" based on the book I am of course going to go see it but I also want the book again. ~Lorddarkfall~


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