Evolution Of YouTube Monetization
Dancing comedian Judson Laipply has the #1 most viewed and #1 most favorited video - all time - on YouTube, with 74 million views, called "Evolution of Dance," posted in April 2006:
Yesterday, he posted a second video announcing that "Evolution of Dance 2 is coming!" The first video does NOT have ads turned on (probably due to the lack of music rights owned by Judson Laipply). In this video, Judson talks about getting music rights, and also promotes a music sound system called "Sonos." It's interesting to see the different approaches to generating income from views on YouTube.
The real winners here might be the Orange Crush people. How does a 6 minute video on YouTube with 74 million views compare to the 30 second spots during the Super Bowl, that CBS charged advertisers $2.6 million for? The number of views are similar. (see Super Bowl Ad Cost Through The Years - MSNBC )
"Life isn't always the party we hoped for, but while we're here, we might as well dance."
Links posted with the video:
Sonos Inc. Landing Evolution of Dance
the dirty secret is that "Evolution of Dance" really isn't even that funny (imho).