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Sunday, February 17, 2008

REDEARTH88.com IS LIVE!!!!!!

Visit the new site: http://www.redearth88.com

Read Glenn's previous announcement regarding RedEarth88 and Maddison Atkins being two series within the RE88 Universe and how they will have a "collected continuity and crossovers".

The Maddison Atkins web site can be found here.


  1. It really looks awesome! Something that can be pointed to for more information about the series

  2. I thought RedEarth88 was conceived as a collaboration between Jeromy and Glenn, but the web site doesn't represent Jeromy's contribution at all. I heard Glenn's announcement last week, about the relationship between the two series, but I didn't think it meant a complete divorce.

  3. So this site is entirely from Rachel's perspective, then? There doesn't seem to be any of the early Linc videos (both accounts) at all. :(

  4. Rob, its not a divorce. Both series are in the same universe, but they are separate, with possible crossovers and stuff within the universe.

  5. I'm confused. Jeromy isn't doing anything then? I mean, other than letting Marla post on the MA account...

  6. The lofisyndicate videos are there, joe.

  7. Virg,
    I know that's what Glenn said last week, but I for one am disappointed that the web site doesn't have any of Jeromy's work. It seems like the collaboration is there was one, is no longer one, and Glenn is promoting his work alone.

  8. The maddisonatkins youtube account is linked on the site. And its not a regular link, but a full directive to check it out.

    With the possible crossovers, I am sure the collaboration will be there. But, they are separate series, as announced on Glenn 's show, and apparently will be promoted separately.

  9. They should include the Zarbod videos. It's just not complete without it.

  10. Redearth88.com is clearly intended to allow us to follow the narrative story of Rachel and Tachyon. It works well because it is simple and achieves that goal well.

    The larger story including the Maddison Atkins ARG is much more complex and only time will tell how that is handled but i think it has been pretty clearly stated the the 2 series will continue to work together in a shared RE88 Universe.

  11. Jeromy seems to be leaving MaddisonAtkins to us to create in game and out. Gregory gave us the site and we need to build it.

  12. So 15over15 is MA then?

  13. it's very good, but missing some more info... but I guess that's because it's the beginning

  14. Yeah, amergin, speaking of, that is still a task we need to do, with maddisonatkins.com. We have to resurrect that somehow.

  15. When 15over15 came out and the stories of Rachel, Clara, Linc and Tachyon/OpAphid seemed to link up, it created a lot of excitement. The idea of an interconnected interlaced and interactive narrative held the promise of a fascinating experiment in collaborative story telling. It's been a confusing long shlog since then, and the "possibility of crossovers" is a far cry from what seemed like the original intention.

  16. Divorce? Separation? Maybe more like "we'll stay together for the sake of the kids". LOL!

  17. Should maddisonattkins.com not be made into a similar format as RE88.com ? that way for new fans its easy to go between both ?

    Whos actually in control of ma.com ?

  18. Out of game, Jeromy, and in game, its Marla and Clara and Gregory Atkins that are in control of maddisonatkins.com. Jeromy is leaving it up to the fans to make it what we want. We are suggesting ideas as we speak. There are forum threads on both the lg15 and ma trying to organize these ideas. Of course, they will be the one that has to institute them, so it might be a "whenever there is time" issue. Feel free to come by and suggest your idea!

  19. Who did the coding for redearth88.com ?


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