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Friday, March 14, 2008

AOL Snares Bebo for $850M

"AOL plans to fortify Bebo, the No. 3 online social network in the U.S. market, by integrating its industry-leading instant-messaging services AIM and ICQ, AOL President Randy Falco said in a conference call Thursday morning."


" AOL, which rose to prominence as an Internet portal, has embarked on a "Platform A" strategy to build an advertising network that offers an alternative to Google and Microsoft."

"Bebo's sole institutional backer, Benchmark Capital affiliate Balderton Capital, stands to reap $140 million, more than nine times its original investment, for its 15.7 percent stake. "

Bebo Head Brings Video Expertise to AOL

"With Time Warner’s expertise and power, Bebo has a chance to take the social-network-as-the-new-TV-network phenomenon to new heights.?


  1. If Bebo is worth $850 million, LG15Today must be worth $851.

  2. That was suppose to be $851 Million. Why is there no edit button? That's it, you're now worth $850.5 Million. You lost $500,000 for not having an edit button. I Hope you're happy.


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