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Saturday, March 15, 2008

Nadia Kajouji

UPDATE: unfortunately Nadia Kajouji was found dead.

"The parents of a missing Carleton University student are pleading for the public's help to find their daughter.

Nadia Kajouji, 18, has not been seen since March 9 when she returned to Ottawa after spending reading week with her family in Brampton, Ont."


Nadia is described as being of a Mediterranean complexion with dark skin at 5'8, and 130 pounds. She has hazel eyes and shoulder-length brown hair with blonde streaks and has eyebrow and tongue rings.

Anyone with any information about Kajouji is asked to contact Ottawa police at 613-236-1222, ext. 3726.

FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=14599910210

Nadia is a friend of long time community participant Danielle Taylor who would be grateful if everyone could help get the word out.


  1. I hope it works out Dani. I am sure everyone will help in any way they can.

  2. I'm the mother of one of Nadia girlfriend Amye, and I sent this information to a friend of the family that is working as a detective in Ottawa, His Name is Sean and hopefully he will be able to do something. Our prayers are with the family

  3. Do check if she is in the country. If somebody has any access to the passenger database for Canada, that would really help? There are also several woman shelters who seek protection and custody in Ottawa. But these shelter locations are kept as a secret and few agencies have access to such information.

    Faraz Quazi


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