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Sunday, March 9, 2008


We all saw the horrors of Bloodlines. Now, thanks to LGPedia, you can explore the innards of the hospital where it all went down: Linda Vista Hospital:

"Linda Vista Hospital was used as an actual hospital up until the mid-eighties, I believe, based on evidence we found on site, though I don't know exactly when it closed. Since then, it's been used as a site for several movies and TV productions, including Pearl Harbor and possibly Scrubs."


  1. Those pictures really don't do the creepiness of the hospital justice. That place was pee your pants scary.

    I'd actually shot there once before LonelyGirl15...I was an extra on an independant vampire film about a year and a half before. And that shot into the night. That place at night is the worst ever.

  2. Oh gosh, I can't imagine that place at night.

  3. I think the cars from the 1980s parked in front of the hospital is scarier.

  4. Those photos were eerie. Especially the dolls burned in the incubator. What is wrong with people? They were good photos though, I was quite impressed even though the photographer was modest.

    Oh, and the blood stains on the basement floor? ...Really creepy. :|

  5. this isnt the scrubs hospital. the scrubs hospital is http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_Hollywood_Medical_Center


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