Porter's Shadow
The Shadow of Elder Dr. William Porter was first seen during Emma's escape. After Porter's death, the Shadow was seen watching the TAAG outside of the cabin at Big Bear Lake. He has since released a video, revealing that he has seen the TAAG's videos, and has every intention of avenging his Elder's death.
Porter's Shadow is listed in the credits for Bloodlines:_Part_3 on LGPedia.
Tom Snyder
Tom made his debut on lonelygirl15.com on January 25th, 2008, as Dr. William Porter's Shadow. A native of Columbus, Ohio, Tom graduated from Otterbein College with a degree in broadcasting in 2005, and in 2007, he covered Friday night football at Central Ohio High School with his friend, Scott Bacon.
Porter's Shadow on LGPedia
Tom Snyder on LGPedia.
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Is there even enough footage of him to make a memorial video?