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Saturday, April 5, 2008

Precious Blood: 2AM - Steve (KM)

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Steve said...

This isn't what it looks like. Lauren's safe and I'm going to make sure she stays that way...


  1. Smoking is bad for you.

  2. I can't help feeling that Steve is being played by both Terrence and Rupert into holding Lauren for them. They're making him the bad guy here!

  3. Wow... Steve is getting screwed from both sides. He looks like he's at some sort of art exhibit or something.

  4. Did anyone else notice Lauren seemingly passing out in the background while Steve chatted it up with the camera??

    First role of foreshadowing:

    "Nothing is going to happen to her while she is here and safe, right?"
    "Lauren passes out in the room as her organs begin to decompose from being trait negative...."

  5. Was it only me who thought the light could be morse code ?

    Im too lazy to figure out if it actually is.


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