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Sunday, July 20, 2008

Fan Cameo Elimination Game

Jerry/Voyboy (Hymm of One Seminar / S1 12 in 12)
Katharine McPhee (Truth or Dare)
Carmilla07 (Hymm of One Seminar)
GenocideInMyMind (Hymm of One Seminar)
wookie (SF Live Event)
121212wer (SF Live Event)
heyaja (SF Live Event)
KareBear1978 and her adorable daughter Becca (SF Live Event)
707clique/XwestsideX (SF Live Event)
yuukaku (SF Live Event)
Paul (SF Live Event)
Rosie and friend (SF Live Event)
Some guy talking on his cellphone known simply as "Bob" (SF Live Event)
lala_loveee (SF Live Event)
oohpoordaniel (SF Live Event)
Stephanie Wilson "Annie" (SF Live Event)
surfthetsu (SF Live Event)
GregGallows (SF Live Event / Bloodlines)
Kira (Politics Gone Wild!)



  1. I'm waiting for the "youtube tag" elimination game.

  2. I think there should be an Anonymous elimination game for LG15Today. How exactly it would work, I do not know.

  3. We have enough problems with the 436:)

  4. MM,
    You knew I posted that didn't you?

  5. ur making a habit of that.......lol..... but it makes me resonate:)

  6. Ok just for you Joe we present.....

    The Joe Elimination Game:

    Joe 10
    Joe 10
    Joe 10
    Joe 10
    Joe 10


  7. Joe +1, Joe -1

    Joe 11
    Joe 10
    Joe 10
    Joe 10
    Joe 9

  8. Let's just jump to the end.

    Joe 436

  9. Cool. Have I been eliminated or do I no longer exist? Or is it both?


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