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Thursday, July 3, 2008

Goodbye Kate Modern - hopefulsemblance

Who knew that this song would sum up what we're ALL feeling about KateModern's departure. We'll wait for someone just like Kate(Modern) to fill that space (that is left behind from this amazing show). But the memories will never be erased.
Thank you KateModern team- cast & crew, for a year full of smiles, laughs, tears, worry, and excitement. You will all be missed. Cheers!


  1. awesome.
    i loved it
    and i also love that song. it really is nice.

  2. Thank you anonymous! :)

    Yeah that song grew on me. Not a big fan of the studio version though. I think the live KateModern version is pretty much perfect.

  3. Great video :D

    Yeah, the official song sucks. They should release the live one cuz it's amazing ^_^

  4. Thanks Julie!!! :)

    Yeah I know. This version has found its way on my iPod. Thank God that my YouTube extractor can also convert videos into mp3s... I mean... legally... that is.
    I should go now!

  5. "Thank God that my YouTube extractor can also convert videos into mp3s... I mean... legally... that is. "


    Awesome video hope, totally 5 stars :)


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