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Saturday, July 12, 2008

Yousef Update on myspace!

Date: Jul 12, 2008 1:54 PM
Subject: sorry everyone
Body: Hey what's up everyone out there in myspace land.

It's Yousef aaaaaand I've been a bum on here.

I have been really busy and haven't had a chance to reply to alot of the messages. Rest assured though that I will get to them pretty soon.

Also keep your fingers crossed for me, because I'm working on developing something brand new called "Endangered".

I don't want to jinx it so I wont say anything else for now, but if it gets picked up it will be amazing!!!!!!!!!

Later lovas!!!!



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Sorry that was my comment. I was logged in in another name.

    Anyway: No no no no no no he can't work on anything other than the new EQAL show!!

  3. well, i think that confirms yousef won't be on the new show

  4. I don't see why Yousef couldn't work on something else while still having a role (possibly reduced screen time?) with the new EQAL show.

  5. Yeah I really doubt the new Eqal show will be out anytime before September.

  6. pleeeease youseffff =(


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