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Friday, August 29, 2008

The Beginning of the Beginning - reedabook99

Community week inspired me to get off my ass and make this video. I'm so nervous! FAIL.


  1. Is this one of the new characters in LG15: The Resistance????

  2. Love the character (assuming it is one, because after all, he didn't post his video in the comments at Inside LG15)! BTW, he enjoys 'watching people'? Is this dude a Watcher-in-training? (I'd LOVE to see this angle explored.)

  3. i love the video! he's quite entertaining!

  4. So, there's Reed, age 18 with userid reedabook99 (ends in 99)...

    ... and we have the character Sarah, age 19 (born in April 1989 according to LGPedia) with userid theskyisempty99 (also ends in 99).

    So what is up with the 99's ?

  5. where did he submit his video?


  6. He submitted it here:


  7. I like this guy, regardless of if he's cannon or not.


  8. Look at his top friends: no real people, no real friends. No real connection to the real world.

    Definitely canon.

    (That said, I'm really enjoying shootin' the breeze with him via MySpace comments!) XD

  9. wow. didn't mean to inspire such 'is he or isn't he' madness. let's clear that up: i'm just having some fun.

    i'll fess up -- i cribbed the editing style from a crap ton of old lg15 vids, since truth be told, those are my favs.

    and by the way, this thing took me a week and a half to edit. i was sitting with final cut round the clock, losing my eyeballs to light of the lcd screen. and the one i'm working on now is taking even longer.

    so, if it looks professional and you think its canon, i don't think i could ask for a higher compliment :)

  10. Reed, I guess you will just have to deal with being canon now..... since clearly we all think you are.

    Enjoy your fame:)


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