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Friday, August 1, 2008

In My Sights - (LG15)

It's NOT that easy, Jonas.


  1. This gives me hope that it's going to get better.

    Please... PLEASE!

  2. Liked the Lucy ending!!

  3. "Let's give them a surprise cliffhanger so they're so excited they forget the horrible ending!!" *rolleyes*

  4. Renegade you took the words out of my mouth.

    Give me back my words! ;)

    This did not answer any questions it only created more. Can they have really lowered the bar even more for writing?

  5. This last video was good, but the others weren't good. I'm sorry, but it's the truth. I wanted some answers but we didn't get some. Good to see Lucy, but it doesn't make this 12in12 suddenly all good or something.

  6. I agree. Great video, but if they're ending it like that, then that's bull shit.

    But i shall remain a LG fan at heart

  7. It was good to see Lucy, it was the character that most were waiting to see.
    This video is decent enough though it does raise up more questions when they should be answering existing ones.


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