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Saturday, September 27, 2008

From TunnelRatatat436

TunnelRatatat has e-mailed me and asked me to post the following on Lg15Today for him/her. I am responding in kind. If anyone wishes this article to be removed I suggest that they discuss it in the comments before doing so.

From TunnelRatatat436:


I have been watching the chaos and dramatic reactions on LG15Today and have been trying to keep my mouth shut, because I did not want to add fuel to an already blazing fire. I do wish to make a quick statement though, if I may.

You all are doing a wonderful job dealing with Anger. It is not an easy emotion to handle. It can make you passionate, saddened, vengeful, spiteful, and mean. But it is an important part of the grieving process. Vent your anger, let it be a vehicle to get you through the grief process. Do not bottle anything up inside or feel a need to rush through your anger, Bargaining will come when we are all ready for it.

Until that day,



  1. Jenni's comment is the first one that begins to persuade me to change my mind.

    Also, T.R. did a good job of sticking to us collectively, which I appreciate for it's sheer audacity. It's better than having it stuck to me individually. ;)

    (also this post helped me narrow down my private guesses of who TR really is from two down to one person ... maybe ... I think)

    Oh, and LordGreyStoke is my best friend now, he just hasn't accepted it in his heart yet.

  2. I don't think it is a game, or an arg, or anything like that.

    I think it is someone trying to share something personal to them with us and we are identifying with it because we understand those emotions and have been or are currently going through them.

    An I am angry as hell also but I think that it, in a messed up way, kind of makes me feel alive because it makes me feel like I actually care about something, in this case censorship on the blog.

    It is a good feeling.

  3. "...censorship on the blog.

    It is a good feeling."

    In that case, just let me know when you need another injection... and my next video WILL make you laugh, I promise.

  4. I'm way ahead of you guys. I'm already at Acceptance.

    I accept that 95% of this community is gay.

    That is all.

  5. OMG it's The Resistance! We should have known!

    Yes he called himself TR.
    No it is NOT me. I swear. My video would have been better and you know it!


    It's not me either, I promise. I have never believed in curtains, you all know that.

  7. That image needs more Crowley and less Hitler, but that's just my opinion.

    I'm not angry about it.

  8. "and my next video WILL make you laugh, I promise."

    Oh dear, I am almost regretting having to leave the house tonight.

    Why cant I just be like Thoreau and live in a cabin on the lake away from everyone .... except with wifi.

  9. "That image needs more Crowley and less Hitler, but that's just my opinion."

    Ohsnaps, I added the image because I felt the post needed something other than text, I didnt even realize hitler was in it. I'll change it. My bad yall.

  10. "Why cant I just be like Thoreau and live in a cabin on the lake away from everyone .... except with wifi."

    I ask myself that question everyday. I am working towards it.

  11. Oh and I was never angry. For the record. I don't get angry. I am a supervillain! I get laser beams and sharks with laser beams on them and a shark pit and other such things. But never angry.

  12. jenlight, I still may have some of that raw video footage from "the created" ... just sayin' ;)

  13. "...... and my next video WILL make you laugh, I promise."

    No one is laughing.

  14. The ModelTron436 has calculated what would elicit the proper response and it was correct. It's calibrations are moving forward. "Contrary to popular opinion, I am not the Devil."

  15. "Pleased to meet you, hope you guess my name"

  16. I am the previous anon. I am not tunnel, but the previous commenter remind me of the song.

  17. Anonymous said...
    "...... and my next video WILL make you laugh, I promise."

    No one is laughing.

    Um, it doesn't exist yet (well the audio exists, but nothing else) ...

  18. I still want to know how this involves 436. For a number that doesn't exist it sure does cause a ruckus. And what video started this mess anyway?

  19. I apparently missed something...

  20. Hay every1. I'm the CiW PM.

    See? I can do it too.


    Yeah... this Tunnel rat shit is a bunch of bollocks. It's obviously someone that has already commented on this blog. And I think you know who I mean.

  21. I don't understand. I was never angry, just very very confused at what the heck this person is so angry at, and wondering why they don't tell us. Well, obviously they're angry at the C's...but why? Now this just confuses me even more.

  22. "Yeah... this Tunnel rat shit is a bunch of bollocks. It's obviously someone that has already commented on this blog. And I think you know who I mean."

    Thank you for your opinion, Anon.

    No, I don't know who you mean. Why don't you enlighten us?

    "Well, obviously they're angry at the C's...but why? Now this just confuses me even more."

    Good question, hopefully we can find that out soon.

  23. Would you like to know who I am?


  24. His name is Robert Paulson
    His name is Robert Paulson
    His name is Robert Paulson
    His name is Robert Paulson
    His name is Robert Paulson

  25. Which is worse, Hell or Nothing?


  26. I'm so confused. Why are we all mad at tunnelrat and why is he/she/it mad at us?

    LOL. I am out of the loop.

  27. rekidk the loop is that Q The C believes he is the protector of the nanny state. He must save us. So he deleted TunnelRats video from the blog. When others reposted it he removed their admin powers..NOT because he had more power than they did...but because he decided to make it so that he DID have more power than they did..he seized control..even if for a moment. Just like a dictator. And he says I slander him... He is intellectually dishonest with everyone..and himself.

  28. LordGreyStoke, I already corrected your gross distortions based on partial truths creating a completely misleading fantasy version of what went down. Frankly, it's getting malicious on your part. Now you are repeating your lies again and compounding your error. You are free, of course, to have a different idea about how things should be done. But please stop distorting and lying about what actually was done. You just lose all credibility.

  29. Stardiamond... Notice the views when all video posts were accepted by Youtube..and notice them now. And once again..everyone fails to accept the possibility that TunnelRat is actually the very OWNER of this blog. How ironic.

  30. OMG, so we're gonna guess who TunnelRat is? Oh, this sounds fun!

    Oh, wait. No, it doesn't. It sounds like a stupid excuse for this community to fight.

  31. Guys.

    I'm TR.

    So sorry.



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