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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Max Glick in The Scary City

Here is the link to his video. There are currently about five others on the site. Check them out.

TubeFilter story on The Scary City

f you thought the finale of lonelygirl15 was the last we would hear of the show, you’d be wrong. A selection of upcoming online projects by lg15 alumni includes Jessica Rose’s leading role in the new show Sorority Forever this fall, writer Mary Feuer’s new Strike.TV show With the Angels, and now executive producer Yumiko Aoyagi has announced that her latest project, a thriller entitled The Scary City, will be released on September 15th.

If there are two terms that could describe the buzz around The Scary City, those terms would be ‘big budget’ and ‘multimedia extravaganza.’ The project has $5.2 million in funding, including a $1.4 million website that will include character blogs, games, and merchandise.

There's more to the article. Its a good read.


  1. Please keep in mind that there are inaccuracies in this article. Yumiko did not work on the lg15 finale.

  2. she worked on the season 1 finale...

  3. The article to me seemed to be referring to the series finale. If I am mistaken, I apologize but if I am confused, others may be as well so I felt the information needed to be clarified.

  4. So I just watched all the videos on this site...Its rather weird.

  5. They have a youtube channel, I wonder why they are not using it.

  6. Scary City has gotten AWESOME!! they took that channel down. Now it's just on the regular scary city website.


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